That’s not how The ScienceTM is supposed to be done. We cannot blindly follow, with trusting faith, what we can see clearly.
Whatever is the man thinking?!
Continue reading Outlining methodology? Inviting feedback?? In advance???That’s not how The ScienceTM is supposed to be done. We cannot blindly follow, with trusting faith, what we can see clearly.
Whatever is the man thinking?!
Continue reading Outlining methodology? Inviting feedback?? In advance???Links to replays of the full event on
Individual sections (in reverse order):
Then I heard Vera Sharav speak. What a revelation. Every word she uttered pierced through the veil and laid bare the truth – and she did it with an authority and spirit that galvanised me and everyone there.
In Germany, it is illegal to make comparisons with the Holocaust, with the understanding that to do so is to belittle this atrocity. Vera did not get the memo – or if she did, she ignored it. As a Holocaust survivor, she has every right to: she’s been through this before, she knows how it goes. First, the state of emergency, then the media propaganda, the flouting of existing ethical codes… she’s seen it all, suffered through it all, lost loved ones through it all. And her message to us was, it is happening again, but this time on a global scale.
Her speech was a reminder to me that we must listen to our elders. Vera is 86 years young. She could be sat with her feet up enjoying her golden years. Instead, she is on stage, speaking truth to power, sharing her wisdom – the depth of which can only ever be gained through life experience. It was humbling for me, and I forgot my weariness in her presence, such is her life force. She has my deepest gratitude and respect for everything she is doing, and I want to ensure that as many people as possible hear her message.
Dr. Tess Lawrie
The rats are starting to jump ship, but the damage is done.
Seem to be. After listing a few, el gato malo says:
Continue reading Young Hearts 21A short, insightful read from Steve Kirsch. With a suggestion that could make a difference.
Continue reading Inside the mind of one of my very smart pro-vax friendsHolocaust survivor and human rights advocate, Vera Sharav, was one of the speakers at the 75th Anniversary Event of the Nuremberg Code in Nuremberg, Germany, on August 20, 2022.
Continue reading Unless all of us resist, “Never Again” is nowBut then again one of the manufacturers did tell us in advance. In a roundabout way.
Continue reading Vaccine Shedding ProvenHere is the full 2-hour 9-minute film 1Courtesy of – a joint production partner along with Vaccine Choice Canada and Children’s Health Defense.
This 8-minute introduction includes a trailer.2President of Vaccine Choice Canada, Ted Kuntz introducing the movie to the WCH assembly of July 25th
Continue reading Uninformed Consent, the documentaryOne of the good outcomes of the plandemic is the rise of (a few) creative people. Realizing the difficulty we are in they are risking much (while most of their peers stay silent).
His art has been shared here before. Because it conveys so much, so quickly.
Continue reading Brilliantly DifficultQuackery is an old term, involving dishonest or confused persons selling treatments that are untested and are not working…
[citing wikipedia] “Common elements of general quackery include questionable diagnoses using questionable diagnostic tests, as well as untested or refuted treatments.”
Everything checks out, right? Questionable tests, untested and known-not-to-work treatments, describe Covid response and Covid vaccines perfectly.
Igor Chudov