Time to Think: The Basic Data says It All – Simplified and Clear!

In his latest video Ivor Cummins looks at all-cause mortality statistics for Ireland, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Combining those statistics with

  • the real-world experience that ‘vaccines’ do not stop transmission
  • boosters will be required to maintain ‘vaccinated’ status
  • naturally acquired immunity doesn’t count
  • the age-graduated risk profile of Covid
  • and its flu-like survival rates…

… makes it clear that ‘vaccine passports’ are completely illogical as a public health measure.

So why are so many people unable to see that?

Ivor is not the only person who suspects the media play a central role in the collective psychosis.1“The word psychosis is used to describe conditions that affect the mind, where there has been some loss of contact with reality… During a period of psychosis, a person’s thoughts and perceptions are disturbed and the individual may have difficulty understanding what is real and what is not.” National Institute of Mental Health.

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    “The word psychosis is used to describe conditions that affect the mind, where there has been some loss of contact with reality… During a period of psychosis, a person’s thoughts and perceptions are disturbed and the individual may have difficulty understanding what is real and what is not.” National Institute of Mental Health

Lukas Lion – 1984

Another musician calling things out, warning of the danger we are in.

Lyrics below.

They say it’s 2021 but I ain’t too sure,
it feels like 1984.
They’ve been mentally and spiritually waging war.
Look where this leads, can’t you see what they’re aiming for?
Orwell underestimated the capability of villainy and tyranny,
these sick elites are masters of trickery.
They’re moving wickedly, watching the world bleed as they feed off our misery.
The worlds gone quite mad.
Yeah, the human psyche has been hijacked.
Propaganda bombardments, your mind is the target,
they wanna deceive and lead us into darkness.
Fear is their greatest tool.
Fear can turn the brightest minds to fools.
Televise endless lies, keep people terrified. That’s the way they maintain their rule.
Fear is the prison that they want us all to live in
and ever since the beginning this has been their only mission.
Politicians cause division, they’re just here to blind our vision,
playing their position…to distract us from their masters that are hidden.
I think George had a premonition.
Seems like it’s all coming to fruition.
A race against time now the clocks started ticking.
The whole thing ends once the people have risen!
The only infection here is deception.
They fooled the whole world with PCR testing.
Look at all the facts they’re neglecting to mention.
Ask too many questions and you can get censored.
The thought police are patrolling,
they don’t want information if they can’t control it. Nah.
Can’t you see what’s unfolding?
1984, George already wrote it.
Said we’re living within Orwell’s chapters.
No money for homeless but there’s money to track us.
Tell me that ain’t madness. Now we’re all anti-vaxxers,
just cuz we question and seek to find answers.
They want me scared for my life, but nurses can find time for TIKTOK dances?
The medias a stage full of actors, manufactured psyops and distractions.
Big brother is watching and plotting.
Hands aren’t the only thing that they want washing. Nah.
They want everybody locked in.
Taking your mind hostage till you’ve lost it.
New normal…lockdowns.
The plans in motion and they ain’t gonna stop now.
You can see the plot now, it ain’t even hiding.
A real pandemic doesn’t need advertising.
It’s an attack on our freedom.
Businesses destroyed for no reason.
Grandparents in Care Homes dying of loneliness, missing their families, wishing that they could see them.
What about the patients on the waiting lists who couldn’t get their treatment?
Look at all the havoc it’s been wreaking.
Suicide and depression increasing.
Can’t you see this is tearing us to pieces?
I don’t believe in a damn word the government are speaking,
they’re creeping towards more control.
That’s the true goal that they’re seeking.
The vampires are just tryna sink their teeth in.
What happened to the truth?
Come to think of it, what happened to the flu?
And what would happen if nobody watched the news?
Red pill or blue, now it’s time to choose. For real.
Be honest with yourself…
Do you really believe that this is about health?
It’s never been. Take a look it’s evident.
The only thing that’s spreading is the terror they’ve been peddling.
That mask is a muzzle.
Only the strong will survive in this struggle.
If you ain’t seen the bigger picture yet then you’re just lost in the puzzle.
Literally got you living in a bubble.
The only virus in our lives is these liars and these tyrants
that are trying to deny us of our rights and
conspiring to annihilate the righteous.
The sheep can be silenced,
but they could never quiet the lions, we’re rising!
The veil has been lifted.
Consciousness has shifted to a higher wisdom.
And we ain’t gonna be victims of this system.
We won’t be prisoners, this is the resistance.

Lukas Lion (on YouTube)

Zuby is puzzled

So am I.

Why are so many ‘vaccinated’ people afraid of ‘unvaccinated’ people?

Do they not believe the shots work?

If so, why did they take it and why do they want everyone else to take it?

I’m still trying to understand this peculiar phenomenon.

If they wanted to send the right message, they’d just live normally and without fear.

But everybody who is still living in fear of the rona has been fully jabbed at this stage.

It’s very strange.

Zuby (on Twitter)

I agree. It’s very strange.


Maybe they don’t believe natural immunity can be acquired? Maybe they don’t believe there are effective treatments?

Ok. Let’s grant them those two inaccurate beliefs (natural immunity can be acquired; there are effective treatments) and start from the assumption that they genuinely believe ‘vaccines’ are the only option they have.

Then yes. Sure. In that context the realisation that the vaccine does not provide protection after all is going to be very scary. Not only that, but there are variants evolving to dodge vaccine-induced immune responses (as predicted by Geert Vanden Bossche, Luc Montagnier and others).

With all your eggs in the ‘vaccine’ basket then the world might seem very scary right now.

But even still the vaccine is supposed to reduce the severity of symptoms and the chances of dying. Wouldn’t that provide some comfort, some reassurance?

Then there’s boosters coming. More comfort and reassurance surely?

Add to those positives the excellent chances of surviving an infection regardless of vaccination or not.1Similar to the flu. Some pointers here if that’s news to you.

So I honestly do struggle to understand why the ‘vaccinated’ are not only less confident than the ‘unvaccinated’ but actually seem to fear them.

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    Similar to the flu. Some pointers here if that’s news to you.

Jerm has a simple question

If you’ve been jabbed, then why do you believe you’re better off than me (who isn’t jabbed)?

Let me put it another way.

Since I refuse to be injected with a mysterious mRNA cocktail that has no long-term safety trials, the chances of me experiencing negative side effects from it are zero.


However, the chances of you experiencing negative side effects from it, are over 900 times higher […]

In fact, no vaccine rollout, in history, has been this deadly.

Jerm Warfare, 30 September 2021

View on JermWarfare.com

Covid Charts Quiz

Can you tell the difference between places which applied measures and those which didn’t – or which lifted them?

The measures were so dramatic, and we were constantly told they were effective, so it should be easy, right?


Against Therapeutic Nihilism

This is perhaps the most important medical presentation I’ve ever seen.

Dr Peter McCullough is the most courageous & smart physician involved in fighting for recognition that covid19 is treatable using rational, sequential, multi-drug treatment.

Also, using PUBLIC DATA ALONE, showing that the gene-based vaccines are neither safe nor effective.

Finally, and he gives just five minutes to this at the end. He’s very clear that this is a planned event & is much more than only a viral pandemic. He rightly alludes to the global, lockstep nature of the coercion going on almost everywhere in parallel.

Dr McCullough calls upon doctors everywhere to stand up and join the fight to hold & express medical opinions, to uphold their Hippocratic Oath & to TREAT patients with covid19, not demonise them.

Please let this play in the background if you don’t have an hour. But please do not pass on this. The presentation contains all the evidence that’s needed that the vaccines are not the way forward but that rational, sequential, multi drug treatment is.

Best wishes

Mike Yeadon (on Telegram)

Dr. McCullough’s slides.

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) Guide to Home Treatment.

Other talks from the 78th Annual Meeting of the AAPS are available through links on this page.

Passes based on healthy living?

It is a puzzler isn’t it?

For about 18 months now politicians, public health officials, scientists, doctors, nurses and others in the mainstream media have barely mentioned the health benefits of:

  • optimal mineral, vitamin and amino acid levels;
  • optimal weight and body fat levels;
  • maintaining muscle mass as we age;
  • wholesome food;
  • regular exercise;
  • sound sleep;
  • meaningful relationships;
  • fun and relaxation;
  • peace of mind;
  • time outdoors in fresh air…

No sign of them pushing to mandate even just one of those health boosters.

No sign of them pushing to make our freedoms conditional on carrying proof we are up to standard on even just one of those health boosters.

Think of all the hospital beds we’d no longer need… the reduced numbers of medical tests, chemotherapies, surgeries etc.,… the much lighter burden on the sickness health system… if we forced people into healthy living by threatening their jobs, their education, their religious practice, their social choices etc if they couldn’t prove they had complied with government health requirements.

How come our glorious leaders aren’t pushing for that kind of ‘health pass’?

How come they aren’t nudging1If one can call terrorising people ‘nudging’ us into demanding that kind of ‘health pass’?

You will come up with your own answers. But here’s one to ponder:

If politics really think that a health passport is necessary, why couldn’t it be based on healthy eating and sports activities? Obesity rates and COVID-related deaths would probably drop like a stone. So would the revenues of the global vaccine market, which answers the question.

Dr. Simon Goddek (on Telegram; here’s his website)
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    If one can call terrorising people ‘nudging’

Why aren’t the vaccinated losing their jobs too?

Doctors, nurses, paramedics, firefighters, police and more – once applauded as heroes for facing Covid daily for over 18-months, are now being fired.

From hero to zero overnight.

This begs a question:

“If the fully vaccinated can still get Covid and therefore can still spread it, then why aren’t they losing their jobs too?”

That’s just one of many questions which ought to make clear the absurdity of what’s being done in the name of Covid.

But chances are… especially if Professor of Psychology Mattias Desmet is right… the masses will keep on not noticing this kind of absurdity. The patent unfairness, the glaring injustice, will also go unremarked. As will the destruction of society and millions of lives – including their own.

“Mass formation” seems to be upon us. Totalitarianism is probably where it will bring us. If we collectively let it.

His interview with Jerm contains some frightening psychological insights.

Audio-only version available on JermWarfare.com

Why lockdowns are never the answer

Dan Astin-Gregory interviews broadcaster Julia Hartley-Brewer on July 28th, 2021.

It’s not often a mainstream journalist is prepared to speak out, but today’s guest does exactly that.

Julia Hartley-Brewer presents the weekday breakfast show on talkRADIO and is a regular columnist for the Daily Telegraph, The Sun, and The Spectator. During the course of the pandemic, she has interviewed countless MPs, doctors, scientists, and others about the Government’s Covid-19 response.

Julia has said: ‘Asking questions and demanding evidence for a policy which devastates millions of lives and livelihoods, destroys children’s education and — according to eminent experts from some of the top universities in the world — will cost more lives than it will save… if the evidence for lockdowns is so strong and not just a totally debunked computer model from a year ago, then why are those so in favour of lockdowns so terrified of a public debate?’

Join me today at 12 noon BST when I will be finding out what Julia has learned over the past 18 months and why she believes lockdown always was, and remains, the wrong policy.

Pandemic Podcast