Actuarial and statistical problems around the Covid phenomen

Neuro-biologist JJ Couey, reviews Nick Hudson’s Oct 11th presentation to the Actuarial Society of South Africa. A plain version can be watched on

(Apologies for the text/chat replay on the screen. Nothing I can do about it.)


Copied from the Pandata substack. Contains an Addendum responding to some questions he was asked on the day…

Continue reading Actuarial and statistical problems around the Covid phenomen

Learning from FOI requests

Kathy Gray of Vaccine Injured & Bereaved Support – Northern Ireland (VIBS-NI) received official confirmation that…

… c. 5,000 serious reactions were submitted to the UK Yellow Card system relating to COVID injections…

… the Coroners Office have formally linked three Northern Ireland deaths to COVID injections.

So, she has some obvious questions

(Paraphrasing): have those promoting or providing COVID injections informed the individual sitting waiting for their booster, of the 5,000 Yellow Card reports or the three deaths officially linked to those same injections?

If not, doesn’t that mean the person receiving their booster did not make an informed decision – and shouldn’t lawyers be now gearing up to take legal cases?

Full conversation. With receipts.

Her full conversation with Jonathan Weissman is lengthy, but you could probably comfortably watch on 1.5x speed.

Helpfully, Jonathan has published Kathy’s documentation on

Three times. In three weeks.

NOV 12th: live-link to some German Parliamentarians

“… After I’d finished… The whole place was on its feet. They were clapping like mad. It went on for an embarrassing 2-3 minutes.

Gratified, I mumbled thanks for the opportunity to speak to them and ended the link.

I learned yesterday that dissenting voices in AfD had decided my opinions were too extreme and they’ve excised my presentation from the link to the session, which I understand has now been made public…

Dr. Mike Yeadon

DEC 1st: an event for Croatian Parliamentarians and journalists

“… For reasons I don’t yet fully understand, this recording was not played at the session in Croatia…

Continue reading Three times. In three weeks.

Deaths in Ireland… upward trend slowing down?

Today, Ireland Excess DeathsIrish Quislings and RIP Counties each updated with their November numbers. Thankfully, this November seems less harsh than Nov ’22 and Nov ’21. But still way above pre-scam Novembers.

Also, more people have died in eleven months of 2023 than in the whole ‘novel virus’ year – the year we (supposedly) had no natural immunity nor injections to save us.

Good job those transfections started in Jan ’21 just as the deaths really started accelerating, eh?! It’d have been so much worse if those counter-measures hadn’t been deployed just then. Just in time.1Sarcasm

And no, this does not show lockdowns, masks and standing on circles in shops saved us in 2020. Because if they had saved us that year, why did they stop saving us from Jan ’21 on? (You might remember we were also doing those things for about the first half of 2021 – while the transfection roll-out was ramping up?).

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Digesting JJ Couey

I’d been aware of him for a while. But, regrettably, no more so than any of the other scientists speaking out about the COVID scam.

Recently though, something about his interactions with Jessica Hockett and Denis Rancourt drew me back to explore his views more thoroughly.

It’s been painful. Slowly coming to realise, acknowledge and admit…

… I had been skilfully played and fallen for The Scooby-Doo myself and…

… that many who I hoped and believed were gonna save us, aren’t…

… because they are (probably unconsciously in many cases) fostering an illusion of consensus that protects and perpetuates The Faith. Like myself at times since my first article here in 2021.

It’s also been humbling. To realise that I wasn’t as awake as I considered myself – and acknowledge thinking myself superior to others who weren’t awake. Plus, to face the possibility that these latest learnings about this great awful deception might not be my last.

I’m not quite yet able to ‘elevator pitch’ these new understandings. But JJ Couey is honing his presentations all the time and I’m finding his analogies increasingly helpful.

Like the train mime…. (from c 27:00 in his recent talk with Medical Doctors for COVID Ethics International) 1Yes that’s Irishman Dr. Gerard Waters you hear during the preamble | PubMed

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    Yes that’s Irishman Dr. Gerard Waters you hear during the preamble

Vaccine Experts Under Oath:

Shocking Revelations in the Fight for Transparency And Truth

Last Thursday’s Highwire episode features a presentation given by Del Bigtree and Aaron Siri at Freedom Fest in Memphis earlier this year.

If you have not yet seen Aaron Siri’s testimony to the Arizona Senate in May, this is a pretty good summary.

“… Everything you thought you knew about vaccines, is wrong. Listen to Del and Aaron take you through court depositions and cross examinations of the world’s leading vaccine experts. Listen to shocking admissions by these experts, in their own words, when they are compelled to tell the truth, under oath…”

The Highwire |

“Millions Of Lives Saved”

Denis Rancourt PhD, live with JJ Couey

Denis Rancourt is interviewed by JJCouey about his paper which evaluates whether the Nobel-Prize-winning COVID-19 vaccine has actually saved millions of lives.

Looks like it comes down to the assumptions made when inputting data into the model… and the credulity of those accepting the models answers as real.

If you really want to dive in, helpfully Rancourt has provided links to some resources mentioned. |

Shot Dead – the movie

This one’s about the kids.

“… Shot Dead premiered on November 9, 2023 – the one-year anniversary of 18 year-old Trista Martin’s death from the shot, in her hometown of Tulsa (Trista is featured prominently in the film).

Hear from the families brave enough to speak up and admit that the shot killed their children. Hear from the ones who have refused to keep quiet… there is no amount of money or threats that can keep these parents from speaking truth in honor of their children…and so this doesn’t happen to one more child.

… focuses on the deeply personal aspect of the devastation unleashed by the shot and the mandates, as told by the families who lost loved ones. This film will make you cry. This film will make you think. And this film will prompt you to take action for children everywhere.

We The Patriots USA