More on ambulances

I’ve previously highlighted some ambulance data. Now Dr. Pierre Kory has more to share.

“Recent FOIA-obtained data from the Department of Emergency Services in Westchester, NY reveal a shocking number of vaccine emergency calls as well as requests for ambulances to be “on standby.”

Dr. Pierre Kory

Yes, you read that last bit right.

Ambulance teams in some New York counties were called in advance of COVID injection clinics and asked to be on standby.

A prudent precaution, you say?

But why would such prudence be necessary? Because if the injections were ‘safe’ there should have been no increase in the number of people requiring emergency medical assistance on any given day, or in any particular time period, in those communities.

So, why would people administering the injections feel a need to ring emergency services ahead of time and warn them?!

Read Dr. Kory’s full article here.

Is this the spirit we need?

“We’ll be assembling an army if we need to!”

“I’m just not willing to sit back and let this shit go on anymore…

So…because I’d most likely not get a response anyways…

I figured that I’d throw out a Public Address, via Twitter/X to let Premier Danielle Smith and Minister of Health, Adriana LaGrange know what they’d be looking at in 2024.

No disrespect of course…but the line in the sand is drawn!

Prior to changing over the Provincial COVID Dashboard to the new Provincial RSV Dashboard, there were 2,768 people reported to have been injured by the jabs.

This is based on approximately 82% of the population being “Fully Vaccinated…

However…the CANVAS (COVID Study… Reports that 1:10 have reported an adverse reaction, 1:20 have reported a Severe Adverse Reaction…

This represents an under-reporting factor of between 3,000-6,000%(ish).

In the New Year, there are going to be a few of us gathering to compile some data – federally and provincially on support for those who have been injured and presenting it to you…and we’re not going to stop until we have some answers on what the UCP1United Conservative Party is doing to ensure that these people are handled and addressed appropriately and what you plan to do to ensure that no more Albertans get harmed by these COVID Vaccinations.

We will Not Stop.

Sheldon Yakiwchuk

Full article on Substack

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    United Conservative Party

Since May 20, 2023:

17 rock bassists have “died suddenly” worldwide

“This makes a total of 34 bassists reported to have “died suddenly” since we started posting these compilations in February, 2022..

… full article here

13 drummers have “died suddenly” worldwide

“This makes a total of 30 drummers reported to have “died suddenly” since we started posting these compilations in February, 2022…

… full article here

JJ Couey, Gigaohm Biological playlist

The neuro-biologist and former university ‘microscope-jockey’ who studied (amongst other things) how mouse brains responded to transfection, is putting out insightful content.

Not only exposing the key myths and lies of “The Faith” which drive the confusion and distract from the multiple crimes, but also some of those who are perpetrating those myths and lies – who may or may not know what they are doing.

His streams don’t stay on his Twitch channel forever. So I’m compiling them into a playlist. Click the pic to access.

The Continuing Mystery of Early 2020

“Now that the dust has finally settled, we have the leisure to return to the panicked days of early 2020 and reexamine what really happened. And it may not be quite what we think. Nick Hudson and Jonathan Engler join us.

Tom Woods, 29th Nov, 2023

Eight reasons to doubt the New York story

Jessica Hockett takes Mark Kulacz through some of key oddities in the official story.

Continue reading The Continuing Mystery of Early 2020

IRELAND: excess mortality @ 17.8% for October

“The carnage continues for Ireland to an orchestra of silence…

Patrick E. Walsh

Phone or tablet user? Tap the ‘hamburger’ menu. On desktop click the down arrow. Theo select Ireland to compare. Tap on or near a dot to show that month’s info.

‘Official Ireland’ won’t acknowledge the fact of Eurostat excess deaths because to do so would be an admission to a problem they caused and an embarassment…

“I will continue to publish and comment on these monthly Eurostat releases because they pound home the truth of what is happening from official sources but also because to stop now would allow the complacent to think the problem is going away.

Patrick E. Walsh

National Citizen’s Inquiry Commissioners Report

“”Ottawa: On Tuesday, November 28, 2023, the National Citizens Inquiry (NCI) released the final report of its months-long investigation into Canada’s response to COVID-19…

The Report was written by NCI’s four independent Commissioners: Chairperson Mr. Ken Drysdale, Ms. Heather DiGregorio, Ms. Janice Kaikkonen and Dr. Bernard Massie. The Report is the culmination of their efforts to:

Continue reading National Citizen’s Inquiry Commissioners Report

“January 2020… I challenge anybody… look at a timeline of those events…

… and then look me in the eye, and tell me that that was anything other than bullshit”

Those 4 minutes are an extract from a conversation between Nick Hudson and Doc Malik in which the touch on a range of topics: centralisation vs individualism, psychology, censorship, propaganda… and more. Here it is in full.

Nick Hudson | |