Fact Check: Covid as a Leading Cause of Death in Children

Pro-ivermectin? No amount of favourable peer-reviewed double-blind, randomized controlled trials will satisfy authorities.

Pro-vaccine? Cite an obviously misleading pre-print1i.e. not yet peer-reviewed and your preferred way of worsening2Geert Vanden Bossche has warned about this several times. Check out 01:00 to 14:50 of The Highwire –Episode 273: Sacrificing Science. ending the pandemic will be endorsed.

Trust The ScienceTM

Even if it can be torn apart in minutes.

Continue reading Fact Check: Covid as a Leading Cause of Death in Children
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    i.e. not yet peer-reviewed
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    Geert Vanden Bossche has warned about this several times. Check out 01:00 to 14:50 of The Highwire –Episode 273: Sacrificing Science.

Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda

Some Africa countries recently blocked the WHO global power grab.1Thank you Africa! Clearly they don’t Trust The ScienceTM.

This 28-min movie, outlining a deliberate attempt to use vaccines to prevent women carrying to full term, might help you understand why.

Yesterday the World Council for Health hosted a screening of it – followed by live Q&A with director Dr. Andrew Wakefield.2See also the Children’s Health Defense.

I think the truth is the future of humanity lies in the hands of womankind…

… one of the things that has been a guiding light on my medical career – and certainly in my approach to vaccine safety – has been the insight, the intuition of mothers. It is one of the most powerful forces on the planet.

Dr. Andrew Wakefield (1:15:58)

Share. Spread the word.

Otherwise the population control agenda will roll on unhampered.

So bad no one can defend it?

Not even for $1,000,000?!

For months double-jabbed Steve Kirsch has been asking for someone, anyone, to debate him or a member of his team. Offering $1M to help motivate.1I’m sure they could decline or donate the money if they wished.

Winning the debate would be the quickest way to end vaccine-hesitancy. But even if they lost, someone from any of these areas just showing up would be at least reassuring:

Continue reading So bad no one can defend it?
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    I’m sure they could decline or donate the money if they wished.

“And… if you tolerate this,

then your children will be next…”

Last year Conspiracy Theorists were using that Manic Street Preachers chorus as a warning.

Now, in June 2022, those we are supposed to surrender our sovereign medical choices and human rights to are advocating COVID injections for 6-months to 4-years old.1The Massacre Of The Innocents according to Toby Rogers

That these people are doing this when children are at near-zero risk from COVID2See here and here. Also this quote from question 4 (of 19) addressed to the FDA by 18 Members of Congress on June 7th: “As of April 2022, the CDC reported 484 COVID-related deaths among children ages five and under (over a two+ year period). According to the CDC there are about 24,000 deaths overall in children ages 0-5 annually.” So… an average of 242 annual “COVID-related deaths” (ie could all have died with and not from) in 0-5yr-olds is somehow considered an emergency in the context of 24,000 of that cohort dying annually anyway?? is mind-boggling enough.3At least four hypotheses seem to fit. 1) The ‘unvaccinated’ control group must be eliminated or at least minimized to hide the damage being done by the injections to the wider population. 2) This is a stepping stone to adding mRNA injections to the childhood vaccination schedule, whereupon manufacturers would be protected from liability forever. 3) They are still in the grip of the COVID mass formation. 4) It is another attempt at population control (which is on some peoples agendas – and has been attempted using vaccines before).

But check out HOW these people use The ScienceTM to make their case!

(Short on time? This 4-min video by Dr. Claire Craig conveys a lot. This 7-min includes her and conveys even more.).

Continue reading “And… if you tolerate this,
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    The Massacre Of The Innocents according to Toby Rogers
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    See here and here. Also this quote from question 4 (of 19) addressed to the FDA by 18 Members of Congress on June 7th: “As of April 2022, the CDC reported 484 COVID-related deaths among children ages five and under (over a two+ year period). According to the CDC there are about 24,000 deaths overall in children ages 0-5 annually.” So… an average of 242 annual “COVID-related deaths” (ie could all have died with and not from) in 0-5yr-olds is somehow considered an emergency in the context of 24,000 of that cohort dying annually anyway??
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    At least four hypotheses seem to fit. 1) The ‘unvaccinated’ control group must be eliminated or at least minimized to hide the damage being done by the injections to the wider population. 2) This is a stepping stone to adding mRNA injections to the childhood vaccination schedule, whereupon manufacturers would be protected from liability forever. 3) They are still in the grip of the COVID mass formation. 4) It is another attempt at population control (which is on some peoples agendas – and has been attempted using vaccines before).

1111 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 732 Dead, After COVID Injection

For context:

The International Olympic Committee in Lausanne, Switzerland, studied documents from international data banks from 1966 to 2004. Those documents indicate 1,101 sudden deaths in athletes under 35 years of age, an average of 29 athletes per year, the sports with the highest incidence being soccer and basketball. (NIH Document)

A study by Maron on sudden death in US athletes, from 1980 to 2006 in thirty-eight sports identified 1,866 deaths of athletes with cardiac disease, with a prevalence of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

2005 to 2006 averaged sixty-six (66) deaths per year, with 82% of those occurring during competition or training.
