So bad no one can defend it?

Not even for $1,000,000?!

For months double-jabbed Steve Kirsch has been asking for someone, anyone, to debate him or a member of his team. Offering $1M to help motivate.1I’m sure they could decline or donate the money if they wished.

Winning the debate would be the quickest way to end vaccine-hesitancy. But even if they lost, someone from any of these areas just showing up would be at least reassuring:

  1. the medical community (universities, hospitals, healthcare facilities)
  2. the HHS government agencies: CDC, FDA, NIH
  3. the US government including Congress
  4. the mainstream media
  5. State or local government
  6. Companies who require vaccine mandates
  7. Local health officials
  8. Mainstream social networks including Twitter, Google, Facebook, LinkedIn
  9. Fact checkers
  10. The Gates Foundation
  11. Bill Gates
  12. The Rockefeller Foundation
  13. Any drug companies
  14. Any medical boards especially the American Board of Internal Medicine (they refused a debate offer from Senator Ron Johnson so they will not be held publicly accountable for their actions)
  15. Medical journals

So far, no takers.

  • 1
    I’m sure they could decline or donate the money if they wished.