Fact Check: Covid as a Leading Cause of Death in Children

Pro-ivermectin? No amount of favourable peer-reviewed double-blind, randomized controlled trials will satisfy authorities.

Pro-vaccine? Cite an obviously misleading pre-print1i.e. not yet peer-reviewed and your preferred way of worsening2Geert Vanden Bossche has warned about this several times. Check out 01:00 to 14:50 of The Highwire –Episode 273: Sacrificing Science. ending the pandemic will be endorsed.

Trust The ScienceTM

Even if it can be torn apart in minutes.

In the CDC ACIP meeting on June 17 to discuss childhood Covid vaccines, a table was presented showing Covid was a leading cause of death in US children as part of a slide deck on the epidemiology of Covid-19 in children and adolescents by Dr. Katherine Fleming-Dutra. The source was a pre-print written by a group of academics from the UK, including Dr. Deepti Gurdasani, who is well-known on Twitter for her strong views on Covid. I later learned that a very similar slide was also presented at the beginning of the FDA VRBPAC meeting earlier in the week.

The slide was shared on Twitter by Dr. Katelyn Jetelina (“Your Local Epidemiologist”), and retweeted by many influential people including Jerome AdamsJulia Raifman (tweet now deleted), Gregg Gonsalves, and Leana Wen. Only problem? It’s completely and utterly false. The pre-print it’s based on includes significant errors that invalidate the results. And the slide makes additional errors on top of the pre-print. It’s really disturbing that data this poor made its way into the meetings to discuss childhood Covid, and that it took me less that a few minutes to find a major flaw (and then I found many more as I looked deeper).

Kelley Krohnert
  • 1
    i.e. not yet peer-reviewed
  • 2
    Geert Vanden Bossche has warned about this several times. Check out 01:00 to 14:50 of The Highwire –Episode 273: Sacrificing Science.

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