COVID vaccine hesitancy is associated with significant increased risks of a traffic crash

The [‘Canaadian crash study’] authors are not mincing words: they found that UNvaccinated people are MORE likely to have car crashes. Based on this statistical finding, they urge people to vaccinate to avoid car crashes!


Guess who is more likely to get into a car crash? That’s right, the person who drives to work daily, as opposed to a remote worker.


The Unvaccinated Could not Take Trains or Fly in Canada

So they had to drive more.

Oh, one more thing…

Turns out that people over 65, who do NOT drive to work, are the ONLY group where vaccination leads to a slightly higher chance of car crashes for the vaccinated (without reaching statistical significance).

This outcome is the OPPOSITE of what happened to employed people:

So we can see that the conclusion that “unvaccinated people are more likely to be hurt in crashes” is explained by the fact that “essential workers” who drive to work were the ones choosing not to get vaccinated!

So… It is not the COVID vaccine that reduces the chances of having a crash. It is a fact that staying home with warm coffee and a laptop is safer than commuting to work or driving a truck. The effect does NOT exist in old people who do not work.

Igor Chudov

Professor Norman Fenton: “A Study In Stupidity

Also: Dr. Claire Craig | Mr. Law, Health and Technology1Caveat: this is little more than an ad homenim piece, but does highlight a tendency toward bias among the study group.

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    Caveat: this is little more than an ad homenim piece, but does highlight a tendency toward bias among the study group.

Ontario Nurses Association Wins Second Decision on “Unreasonable and Illogical” Vaccinate or Mask Influenza Policies

In 2018. After first in 2015.

[Vaccinate or Mask (VOM)]… policies force nurses and other health-care workers to wear an unfitted surgical mask for the entirety of their shift if they choose not to receive the influenza vaccine.

After reviewing extensive expert evidence… Arbitrator William Kaplan, in his September 6 decision, found that St. Michael’s VOM policy is “illogical and makes no sense” and “is the exact opposite of being reasonable.” In reaching this conclusion, Arbitrator Kaplan rejected the hospital’s evidence. A copy of the full decision is available here

This is the second such win for ONA.1Ontario Nurses Association In 2015, Arbitrator James Hayes struck down the same type of policy in an arbitration that included other Ontario hospitals … Hayes found there was “scant evidence” that forcing nurses to use masks reduced the transmission of influenza to patients. Despite this clear ruling, the majority of TAHSN hospitals refused to follow the Hayes award and maintained their respective VOM policies. As a result, ONA was forced to litigate this matter again at St. Michael’s Hospital. (Sept 7, 2018)2Earliest archive I found: Nov 2020 here and here.

Then SARS-CoV-2 came along late 2019

It tool a few months, but from around Easter 2020, the same masks that hadn’t worked for influenza were brilliant at preventing COVID-19 transmission.

The ScienceTM must have changed.

(Or are we being gaslit and taken for fools?!)

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    Ontario Nurses Association
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    Earliest archive I found: Nov 2020 here and here.

Journalists must stop believing the false reality they create

Most journalists never look outside of the mainstream bubble for information, and they also tend to repeat what they are told by authority.

But they also don’t have time to do any digging or investigating.

It’s a recipe for disaster when it comes to holding authority to account, and has led to a big drop in public trust in the legacy media.

A version of reality has been created by the legacy news that is so far from the truth that it has become impossible for those who believe that reality to break free.

To do so would be too traumatic, and therefore—subconsciously or otherwise—journalists who create and believe in this false reality do all they can to protect it.

Barry Wheedon

Philanthropath Bill Gates Has Just Planned His Next Pandemic – “Catastrophic Contagion”

And he’s definitely after your kids this time.

In a tacit admission that COVID did not quite achieve his absolute goals, Bill Gates has just announced his next plandemic.

Joel Smalley
Smalley linked to the original site. I’d prefer not give them clicks. So if you’re ready to read the next phase of the menticide,1New to you? Here’s an intro. Suggested recovery programme here. here’s an archive version.

Mike Yeadon explains it’s impossible.

Especially the bit about the children.

They’re at it again. Planning a FAKE pandemic. Enabled by untrustworthy PCR.

A few remarks:

1. It’s FAKE. It’s immunologically impossible to have a pandemic of a severe respiratory illness. If you accept the disease model they’re using, then the more severe the illness, the more quickly the infected person, if they’re susceptible, becomes symptomatic. It’s only then that the person might transmit to other susceptible person, but by then, they’re sick & at home. Not mixing with others. Chain terminated. Drops R nought.2“R” is the statistical ‘rate of spread’.. R=1 means 1 person infects 1 person who infects 1 person etc. If R=2 then 1 person infects 2 who infect 2 more etc. R=0 means no spread.  

By contrast, common cold type illnesses can whizz around the world & nobody cares. 

Which in part explains why we’ve never had a pandemic of a severe respiratory illness. 

Covid was faked at worst (my opinion, supported by the deaths epidemiology) & at very least exaggerated. 

The 1918-19 “Spanish Flu” was also grossly exaggerated. The numbers who perished were far fewer than are now claimed. Contemporaneous documents just a few years later don’t even mention it. Not consistent with “the worst pandemic since medieval times”. 

2. I know of no conceivable respiratory pathogen that preferentially makes “young people” ill, not the frail elderly. Sure, there are some illnesses that are particularly cruel on tiny babies and frail tots. Young adults are like cockroaches where it comes to respiratory illnesses. I don’t believe the frail elderly could be spared & there are ALWAYS way more frail in the elderly population than in the young & fit (immunocompetent) population. 

The the entire scenario is FAKE. 

Continue reading Philanthropath Bill Gates Has Just Planned His Next Pandemic – “Catastrophic Contagion”
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    New to you? Here’s an intro. Suggested recovery programme here.
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    “R” is the statistical ‘rate of spread’.. R=1 means 1 person infects 1 person who infects 1 person etc. If R=2 then 1 person infects 2 who infect 2 more etc. R=0 means no spread.

Letter to the Menticided: A 12-Step Recovery Program

Are You a Victim of Menticide?

If you are a victim… you don’t know it. That’s the first sign…

“Free men in a free society must learn not only to recognize this stealthy attack on mental integrity and fight it, but must learn also what there is inside man’s mind that makes him vulnerable to this attack, what it is that makes him, in many cases, actually long for a way out of the responsibilities that republican democracy and maturity place on him.”

“There are human beings who are of remarkably agile intellect yet stupid, and others who are intellectually quite dull yet anything but stupid.…

“The impression one gains is not so much that stupidity is a congenital defect, but that, under certain circumstances, people are made stupid or that they allow this to happen to them.…

Only you can liberate yourself from willful stupidity. Continuing to read this article and being willing to implement these twelve steps proves you have the intelligence to do so.

All you have to lose are your manufactured delusions; misplaced pride; gullibility; fear; terror; anxiety; rage; and mental and physical enslavement…

Margaret Anna Alice

Forgetful Fauci’s Deposition

All Those Lies Are Hard to Keep Straight

… [December 2021]… AIER discovered a shocking revelation in emails received from a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to Fauci’s office. In early October of 2020, Dr. Francis Collins, then Director of the National Institutes of Health, ordered Fauci and his trusted lieutenant Clifford Lane to wage “a quick and devastating published take down (sic)” of the Great Barrington Declaration’s premises.

… the records… contain a partially redacted email to Deborah Birx in which Fauci speculates that Scott Atlas, his anti-lockdown foil on the White House COVID Task Force, would attempt to sway the White House into endorsing the GBD. “Over the past week I have come out very strongly publicly against the “Great Barrington Declaration,” Fauci declared – an action that he conveniently has no memory of doing, according to his statements under oath from the Missouri lawsuit deposition1Currently on-going. Transcript of Fauci’s deposition released last Monday.

… the email records we do possess contain ample evidence of Fauci’s involvement in the “take down” order, plainly contradicting his sworn deposition. In those emails we see Collins colluding with Anthony Fauci (while fantastically CCing Lawrence Tabak, Deputy Ethics Counselor at NIH) to craft talking points against the GBD in the media. Behind the scenes, we see them working with Deborah Birx to keep the GBD off of the White House COVID Task Force agenda. And we see Fauci’s instructions to Folkers to assemble a list of media op-eds attacking the GBD, with the apparent intent of parroting them back to the very same press as official talking points from the NIH.

Think about that for a minute. The Director of the National Institutes of Health all but ordered the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases to put together a smear campaign aimed at three distinguished scientists, each from an elite institution (Harvard, Stanford, and Oxford if you are keeping track at home), who were simply going where the science took them.

Phillip W. Magness  & James R. Harrigan (December 6, 2022)

Related: Great Barrington Declaration | Fauci on Trial | First Thoughts on the Fauci Deposition | (“I cannot recall”): Fauci’s deposition transcribed verbatim

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    Currently on-going. Transcript of Fauci’s deposition released last Monday.

COVID-19 Vaccines: What They Are, How They Work, and Possible Causes of Injuries

(video starts at 6:20)

U.S. Senator Ron Johnson hears testimony from world-renowned experts in Public Health, Science, Medicine, Law, and Journalism in a public forum… held in the U.S. Senate’s Hart Building, on Capitol Hill. He will also hear testimony from victims of Covid vaccine injury. Speakers Include Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Paul Marik, Dr. Robert Malone, ICAN Attorney, Aaron Siri, Esq., OpenVAERS Founder, Liz Willner, Edward Dowd, Dr. Harvey Risch, Dr. Ryan Cole, Journalist, Del Bigtree, and more.

The Highwire

Note: several contributors cite scientific papers and/or authors to support their statements. At times seemingly from memory.

Yet pro-mask/lockdown/vaccine politicians, journalists, public health personnel and others don’t seem to do that. How come? | v-safe data |

Two Cardiologists, Two Countries, Separate Analyses, Same Conclusion

COVID-19 Vaccines are Not Safe for the Heart

… the general public and doctors don’t know what’s really happening; and they don’t even know that they don’t know.

Dr. Aseem Malhotra (1:37:00)

Nov 29, Dallas, Texas Drs. McCullough and Malhotra spoke about:

  • manipulated virus
  • military style approach
  • deceptive use of science and data.1E.g. Relative Risk vs Absolute Risk.
  • regulatory, media and political capture
  • censorship and being attacked
  • Pfizer and Moderna’s original trials showed greater risk of harm from injection than of catching COVID…

… I was cautious during the early months of the vaccine campaign but as the deaths accrued shortly after injection I could not remain silent by the late winter of 2021.  Dr. Malhotra in his presentation painfully describes his journey of emotional distraught, losing his father and last remaining first-degree family member, and then his relentless pursuit of the truth culminating in the publication of a pair of analyses concluding all COVID-19 vaccinations are not sufficiently safe nor effective to remain in use today… Together we have hundreds of published scientific reports and opinions.  We have delivered thousands of lectures and speeches.   We both have suffered professional retaliation for telling the truth.   We are not wrong about these conclusions.

Dr. Peter McCullough

Dr. McCullough’s slides (.pptx) | Senate Hearing he mentioned

Dr. Malhotra’s slides (.pdf) |

Dr. Malhotra’s papers

Malhotra, A. (2022). Curing the pandemic of misinformation on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines through real evidence-based medicine – Part 1. Journal of Insulin Resistance, 5(1), 8 pages. doi:

Malhotra, A. (2022). Curing the pandemic of misinformation on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines through real evidence-based medicine – Part 2. Journal of Insulin Resistance, 5(1), 10 pages. doi:

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    E.g. Relative Risk vs Absolute Risk.