Rav Arora with Zuby

While I don’t agree with everything he says (like Zuby, I’m not into using substances to expand awareness) I found it refreshing to hear Rav Aorora having a Real Talk with Zuby.1Video version on Zuby’s Odysee channel.

“Narrative vs Truth” is a wide ranging talk touching on faith, science, psychology, censorship, travel, fascism, lockdown, psychedelics… and more.

Calm, sensible, thoughtful, humourous and with the integrity to acknowledge he got things wrong and the courage to adjust his perspective. Great to see in someone so young.

If we want a better future we would do well to support men like Rav.

And Zuby.

How Bad Is My Batch?

Robert Malone recently shared his experience of his own potentially fatal vaccine adverse event and his recently discovering that his vaccine came from one of the ‘bad’ batches.

Malone’s account fits well with Mike Yeadon’s Jan 7th presentation to the 86th sitting of the Corona Investigative Committee.

Yeadon outlines evidence of possible premeditated murder, using “hot lots” of Covid injections. He can’t think of any benign reason that would explain the vast differences in numbers of adverse reactions between batches.

His presentation centres around these two slides.

Note the small number range, 0-40, on vertical Y-axis
Range on vertical Y-axis is 0-700, far wider than with flu vaccines (previous slide)

Website mentioned: howbad.info 1Backup duplicate site.

Yeadon detailing the Covid lies on The Highwire, June 2021.

Video by Paul Schreyer:

“Don’t homeschool” they said.

“Your kids would be weird and not know how to socialize” they said.

In light of the torment being inflicted on pupils these days (masks, testing, injections, restricted interactions and more) by their teachers (on the instruction of their paymasters), home schooling looks a far wiser option.

Hugo has something to say about it. (Ambient music & scenery from 3:58 onwards).

Struggling to understand vaccine hesitancy?

TRIGGERnometry co-host Konstantin Kisin explains how ordinary people can become ‘vaccine hesitant’ – without being conspiracy theorists or anti-vaxxers.

I’d sum it up as a credibility issue. When I hear the list (and more could be added) I find myself thinking “yeah, how could you expect anyone to trust what politicians and other leaders are recommending?!”

Matt Le Tissier speaks out

Laura Anderson of the Channel Islands Integrative Health Alliance has a ‘Covid Conversation’ with former international soccer player and TV pundit, Matt Le Tissier.

Video compilation of sports people collapsing and/or dying is shocking viewing. Begins at approx 35:15.

Thankfully community awareness is growing on the islands1Wayback Machine version for posterity. But some politicians don’t seem too interested. No surprise in that though.

Joe Rogan interviews Dr. Robert Malone

I thought the Rogan-McCullough interview was impressive. But this one topped it for me.

“Most important interview of our time?”

If you can’t make 3 hours to listen then perhaps make 10 minutes to read this excellent overview (with helpful time codes) from the Children’s Health Defense:

Men of faith

Maybe not in the same way as you, or in the same things as you. But these guests of Jerm’s have faith.

Mike Yeadon and Mattias Desmet also have compassion for those entranced and believe it’s unhelpful to use the term ‘psychosis’ – despite the fact the real danger to us comes from our own psyche.

They also believe it is vital that those of us who are aware of what’s going on find a way speak out. Even if it’s just to ask questions that sow seeds of doubt.

Oh, and they don’t want to go back to normal. Because we got here from there.

If a tested and vaccinated group of scientists in Antarctica experience a Covid outbreak 7 days after arriving…

… and “they and others who tested positive were placed in quarantine but the virus continued to circulate“…

… what does that tell you about Covid testing, contact tracing, isolation and ‘vaccines’?

Real Science: “We thought testing would help us manage outbreaks. We thought minimising interaction and isolating close contacts would help slow the spread. We thought vaccines would stop the spread. So we would have reasonably expected that with ALL OF THEM COMBINED an outbreak would have been nearly impossible. Especially when everyone was tested before arriving on the base. But this ‘black swan’1I wrote about ‘black swans’ almost a year ago. Little did I know public health experts, Governments and media would still be ignoring them. event points to the need to face the reality that these interventions just don’t work for airborne viruses.”

Covidian Science: “Maybe the never-failed-us-until-now tests weren’t done properly? Maybe two negative ‘cases’ stood too close together and their negatives combined to create a positive, like in mathematics ?2That’s actually nonsense. But hey, I am after all trying to highlight that Covid Science is nonsensical! Maybe the scientists weren’t vaccinated enough? Maybe it was because they were so remote they got sloppy and didn’t isolate hard enough? Oh no, wait – I’ve got it! The article said nothing about masks. So clearly they weren’t masking! That’s it. The evidence is clear. Improper masking was behind the outbreak!”

Which kind of science do you follow?

Read the short news piece for yourself and decide.

In case someone realizes this story undermines ‘the narrative’ or creates ‘vaccine hesitancy’ and so takes it down, here’s a January 1st Wayback Machine version for posterity.

  • 1
    I wrote about ‘black swans’ almost a year ago. Little did I know public health experts, Governments and media would still be ignoring them.
  • 2
    That’s actually nonsense. But hey, I am after all trying to highlight that Covid Science is nonsensical!