More Harm Than Good

If you have faith in Covid ‘vaccines’ – and those pushing them, then this piece by the Canadian Covid Care Alliance is going to shake that faith.

Your faith in the media is likely to be rattled too. Because they’re ignoring all this – while unquestioningly giving voice to those who insist we “trust the science”.

Anyone trusting this kind of science, and its perpetrators, promoters and apologists needs to ask themselves some serious questions.

Brace yourself for:

  • sneaky sophistry1subtly deceptive reasoning or argumentation e.g. relative risk reduction of 95% was focused on; real-world absolute risk reduction of just 0.88% downplayed
  • more deaths in inoculated group
  • more adverse events in inoculated group
  • dodgy demographic design2e.g. those most needing the injection (elderly & comorbid) not appropriately represented
  • trial unblinded after just 2 months, so long-term safety can never be determined
  • inappropriate endpoints chosen
  • reduction in transmission of Covid never tested for
  • not all participants were tested for Covid
  • 80 participants were “lost to follow up”
  • under powered trial for 12-15 year olds
  • horrific outcomes for 12 year old participant Maddie de Garay misrepresented
  • downplaying impact of myocarditis
  • FDA want 50+ years to release >300,000 pages of data
  • 84% of the authors have conflicts of interest
  • CDC changed the definition of vaccine, accommodating these injections…

Here’s a video summary:

Here’s the PDF. Click the gear icon for Presentation (Fullscreen), Download and other options.

Thanks to Steve Kirsch for highlighting this stunning piece of work.

Well done Canadian Covid Care Alliance!

  • 1
    subtly deceptive reasoning or argumentation e.g. relative risk reduction of 95% was focused on; real-world absolute risk reduction of just 0.88% downplayed
  • 2
    e.g. those most needing the injection (elderly & comorbid) not appropriately represented