Scotland: excess baby deaths investigation

I don’t like linking to platforms that endanger lives by censoring data and medical opinion. But I’m not aware of Dr. John Campbell publishing anywhere else… and this info needs to get out.

(Plus, in my humble opinion, this is a masterful display of how to communicate without tripping the censorship algorithms. Wonder if they’ll start censoring silence, tone-of-voice and/or facial expressions next?!)

Watch on YouTube

Here’s what he wrote in the video description:

Continue reading Scotland: excess baby deaths investigation

In memory of those who “died suddenly”… worldwide, October 10-October 17

Mark Crisin Miller’s team is still keeping record.

Here’s the latest compilation.

UK and Ireland deaths are linked to halfway down the page.

Musicians in the US (4), Haiti, Colombia, Brazil, Ireland, Germany & Romania; fatal “vaxxidents” in US (4), Mexico, Brazil, Argentina (2), UK, Germany (2), Romania, Spain & the Philippines (3); & more

Mark Crispin Miller

Young Hearts 25

Uncharted Waters (Pfizer confirms)

Pfizer made a stunning admission this week in an EU Parliament that they did ‘no testing for transmission’, before releasing it onto the market.
Dr Birx recently admitted that she “knew it wouldn’t stop transmission” and they “overplayed the vaccine”
Barack Obama stated in April 2022 that “we’ve now essentially clinically tested (chuckle) the vaccine on billions of people worldwide”

Continue reading Young Hearts 25

Young Hearts 24

10 days of carnage (100 in 10 days)

… a compilation of 100+ news articles from the past 10 days leading up to 7th October 2022, of young people who have either died suddenly, had serious heart issues or severe adverse complications.
These are only the ones who make the news.

Waterford @ 01:30 | Fermanagh @ 4:30 | Kilkenny @ 6:55.

EDIT: Loretta Lynn doesn’t belong in this video as she was elderly. It was a production error. The Young Hearts series and other checkur6 videos are intended to present young ‘injured’ people. E.g. The video ‘A YEAR OF ATHLETES COLLAPSING – 769 SPORTS RELATED INCIDENCES – TO MARCH 2022’ is a compilation of 769 Athletes, with an average age of 23 years old.


FDA to Vax Injured: We Got Nothin’

Mid-September: twenty people travelled from a dozen states to Washington D.C. to ask the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for help. 

Two had lost sons, 16 and 34 years old, soon after their shots. Three were in wheelchairs, including a girl, 14. A surgeon, nurse practitioner, teacher, and most others can no longer work. Once healthy and fit, many had been eager to be vaccinated.

They got a one hour Zoom call to their hotel conference room with the top vaccine official in the United States – Peter Marks.

Seems what he said amounted to:

… “Thank you so much for sharing”

“We don’t have any secrets here,” he continued. “Our goal is to make the public understand the benefits and risks of these vaccines.”

Just how FDA is doing that was left unclear…

Mary Beth Pfeiffer
source: Trial Site News

Steve Kirsch says they’re ignoring the risks

Like those


picked up in his survey

see also: Steve Kirsch

Justice For The Vaccinated

The Vax Justice Bus

… will finish its 10-day public tour of British Colombia tomorrow outside the College of Physicians & Surgeons in Vancouver.

After which it will be much harder for Canadian doctors (who seem to be dying in unusual ways and clusters these days) and their governing body to, credibly, say they didn’t know.

Dr. Charles Hoffe and Dr. Stephen Malthouse – two of many Canadian vilified for upholding the Hippocratic oath and warning about the Covid injections, are on the bus.

Along with VaxJustice co-founder Cris Vleck, they gave an interview on about their journey – and why they’re doing it.

… the Covid-19 pandemic and the related vaccination program represents the biggest crime ever foisted on the people of this world.

It is such a vast conspiracy that it defies credulity, which is in large part how they were able to execute their plan. | |

Is Not Science

… my dad… suffered a cardiac arrest and a sudden cardiac death at home…

… extra 14,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in 2021 versus 2020, so, post vaccine rollout…

… my own social circle, at least half-a-dozen people unexpectedly suffered sudden cardiac death within weeks to months of having the vaccine…

… the original Pfizer trial… there is a smoking gun… there were four cardiac arrests in the vaccine group versus one in the placebo…

… people aged between 16 and 39 there was a 25 per cent increase in either heart attacks or cardiac arrests.

… my duty is to patients and to scientific integrity, and to the truth.

Dr. Aseem Malhotra

October 1: Virginia Covid Management Public Forum

Really, nothing says “Trust The Science” like asking for the data to be hidden for 75 years…

We’re now looking at the data – and it’s horrific.

Dr. Paul Marik (23:00)

Dr. Sheila Furey started the event by recapping the approach of Virginian authorities and highlighting their absence. She then introduced Dr. Paul Marik (16:10).

Dr. Paul Marik summarised the medical tyranny and the health catastrophe resulting from its lies. For example the 6.8% of the Covid-jabbed experiencing side-effects and trial participant Maddie de Garay‘s paralysis.

Dr. Robert Malone, introduced at 1:01:15, provided insight into the thinking of those pushing the injections. Also the distinction between natural and modified RNA; and the platform and the payload it’s delivering.

Q&A began at 1:59:40. Then from 2:18:00 on we heard from:

Continue reading October 1: Virginia Covid Management Public Forum

Safe And Effective: A Second Opinion – on The Highwire

Last Thursday Del Bigtree spoke with double-jabbed vaccine advocate Dr. Aseem Malhotra (5:00-45:00) about his realising the harms of the Covid injections and involvement in the documentary.

Then, after The Jaxen Report, he featured the former Sky News executive who directed the documentary – Mark Sharman (from 1:27:54), before playing the movie itself (from 1:41:15).

Skip to the part that interests you Or choose from a segment on the the episode’s page.