An important message from Dr Mike Yeadon

“I believe Mike, not just because I’ve looked him straight in the eyes and trust his honesty, integrity and wisdom but because the vast amounts of data I have studied for myself fully support his rhetoric.” Joel Smalley

Many have asked why people didn’t resist tyrants in the past. Partly it is fear. But it’s more than that. It’s that normal people, like you & me, simply cannot imagine being so evil. We trust in humanity. And so we should. Most people are good. Few are truly terrifyingly horrible. But some are. It’s the inability to believe it’s happening that really stopped people objecting when they should, when the evidence was unmistakable but had not yet quite reached their door, their family. They are coming for you & your children. It is happening again. There’s ample evidence emerging of long term, patient planning. I’m so sorry. 

I recommend Joel Smalley’s republication because of Yeadon’s comment beneath it.

Alternatively, read the August 31st original pasted below:

Continue reading An important message from Dr Mike Yeadon

Seven simple questions for the unenlightened

COVID mostly affects the over 65s.

So what would you expect to see when you look at younger age groups and compare

  • excess deaths1As a certain number of deaths are statistically expected each week/month/year ‘zero’ excess deaths means people were dying in normal numbers. So, below the zero line indicates fewer deaths than expected, above indicates more than expected. in 2020 (when COVID was ‘new’) with
  • excess deaths in 2021 (when the miracle shots came into action)?

Why is the “vaccine” year so much higher than the virus year and where is the declaration of a public health emergency?

Joel Smalley

His charts, explanations and resulting questions are worth the five minute read.

  • 1
    As a certain number of deaths are statistically expected each week/month/year ‘zero’ excess deaths means people were dying in normal numbers. So, below the zero line indicates fewer deaths than expected, above indicates more than expected.

Did you have a good lockdown?

Well here is an insight into just some of what your lockdown cost others.1By the way, the cost to you (which you were never told about)… is now coming into view. Your human rights converted into privileges dependent on your governments whims; Years of Life Lost (also here); psychological damage and developmental delay – especially to children and young adults; businesses destroyed; power centralized; surveillance increased; inflation; crippled health services (longer waiting lists, vaccine injuries piling up); excess deaths from vaccine damage… but, yeah, if you like, keep telling yourself that you and others feeling safe and morally righteous is worth it. Also, do keep trusting The ScienceTM because your always-truthful, always-competent leaders and media tell you to..

In this PANDA’ Open Society Session, Dr. David Bell (PANDA) and Professor Toby Green (Collateral Global) discuss the devastating impacts of the pandemic response in poor countries: what happened, why it happened and how to ensure it does not happen again.

They combine their expertise in public health, world history and colonial history to also question continuities of power and inequality, and how the world reverted to the medical colonialism of the first half of the 20th century.

  • 1
    By the way, the cost to you (which you were never told about)… is now coming into view. Your human rights converted into privileges dependent on your governments whims; Years of Life Lost (also here); psychological damage and developmental delay – especially to children and young adults; businesses destroyed; power centralized; surveillance increased; inflation; crippled health services (longer waiting lists, vaccine injuries piling up); excess deaths from vaccine damage… but, yeah, if you like, keep telling yourself that you and others feeling safe and morally righteous is worth it. Also, do keep trusting The ScienceTM because your always-truthful, always-competent leaders and media tell you to..

Is Bill Gates lying?

If not, then he must be inept

Because a pot smoking comedian knew better. So did Dr. Scott Atlas – as early as April 2020.1The data is in — stop the panic and end the total isolation

The data was clear. Even back then.

But, apparently, not to “needle-in-every-arm” Bill and his public health buddies.

Continue reading Is Bill Gates lying?

An admission courtesy of those Admissions?

Alberta inadvertently confessed to fiddling the stats.

A good lesson in how the numbers are fiddled. Worth reading in full. But in case you’re not going to, here’s an insight:

Like everywhere else in the world they claim very impressive vaccine effectiveness by following the fraudulent standard set by the drug manufacturers in the pantomime clinical trials, i.e. to ignore the adverse outcomes in the first two weeks post administration.

But then they go one better and actually inflate the unvaccinated numbers too…

Almost half of all COVID hospitalizations of the newly vaccinated occurred within 14 days which means they were treated as unvaccinated in the stats.

Joel Smalley

The Cure Is Worse Than The Disease

The Proof Is In The Data

“Joel Smalley returns to the Pandemic Podcast with a clear conclusion – the ‘cure’ is worse than the disease and that the proof is in the data.

Back in February 2021 Joel’s first presentation on the Pandemic Podcast was met with much controversy as he demonstrated early warning signs that the vaccines may have increased overall mortality. He also demonstrated how non-Covid factors such as lockdowns and denial of healthcare likely impacted overall mortality during the first stages of the pandemic.

In today’s follow up episode Joel is back to reveal what the latest data shows when the links between the vaccine rollout and mortality are examined across various different countries and territories.

Joel Smalley is a former quantitative derivatives trader, entrepreneur and tech leader who has analysed mortality and various other COVID metrics for every country affected by the pandemic. His analysis has supported numerous expert submissions to regulatory health authorities and legal cases brought against governments and their agents.”

Dan Astin-Gregory

Here’s Joel’s appearance on the Pandemic Podcast in February.