Ethical Medicine with Dr. Rochagné Kilian

From November 2021, so it might appear dated. But what motivates people, medical ethics, principles and similar topics are eternal.

She talked with Kate Wand about moral choices in the face of Covid measures and government interference in the doctor-patient relationship.

Are you as comfortable with your choices as Dr. Kilian is with hers?

She also spoke at the Freedom Convoy in Ottowa in February 2022. Just before her court case.

‘The Vulnerable’ are speaking out


Some with comorbidities are expressing dissatisfaction about what has been, and continues to be done to others – supposedly on their behalf.

Even though he is pro-vax and focuses mostly on the harms to children1Largely overlooking the infringement on multiple human rights, Years of Lost Life, closed businesses, jobs ended, increasing depression and suicide, medical waiting lists getting longer, fractured families and friendships, starvation and poverty caused by supply chain interruptions, injuries and deaths from the injections… I think immunocompromised Alex Lieske vents it well.

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    Largely overlooking the infringement on multiple human rights, Years of Lost Life, closed businesses, jobs ended, increasing depression and suicide, medical waiting lists getting longer, fractured families and friendships, starvation and poverty caused by supply chain interruptions, injuries and deaths from the injections…

Is Bill Gates lying?

If not, then he must be inept

Because a pot smoking comedian knew better. So did Dr. Scott Atlas – as early as April 2020.1The data is in — stop the panic and end the total isolation

The data was clear. Even back then.

But, apparently, not to “needle-in-every-arm” Bill and his public health buddies.

Continue reading Is Bill Gates lying?

Derek Sloan – a new hope for Canada

Tell your Canadian friends. Or anyone who might know someone in Canada.

Husband, father of three, lawyer and former Member of Parliament for Hastings-Lennox & Addington. Derek Sloan was kicked out of The Conservative Party of Canada for his views on Covid and other issues. He now leads the Ontario Party.

While not in agreement with all his views, his talk with Zuby left me wishing there were more politicians like him. And parties like the Ontario Party,

Continue reading Derek Sloan – a new hope for Canada

Kory’s TOGETHER Trilogy

On March 30th The New England Journal of Medicine published the Brazilian TOGETHER Trial. The authors concluded “ivermectin did not result in a lower incidence of medical admission to a hospital”.

In May, Dr. Pierre Kory penned three articles describing this as fraud. Here are three highlights from his case.

Continue reading Kory’s TOGETHER Trilogy

The Psychology Of Totalitarianism

Earlier this year Zuby remarked1While interviewing Julie Ponesse on how modern humans seem to think our psychology has evolved beyond that of those who perpetrated the horrors of World War II.

WE could never fall for lies like the 1930’s Germans did. WE could never take part in, or go along with, the atrocities the German authorities orchestrated. Because WE have learned from history – and WE are different.

Truth is we have not – and we are not.

Continue reading The Psychology Of Totalitarianism

Marketing Monkeypox

Subtly bigging-it-up in the UK!

Two days ago The Off-Guardian drew attention to edits the National Health Service of the United Kingdom made to their Monkeypox page.1Using the Wayback Machine – one of many internet archive services. Here’s the NHS page before editing (Nov 2, 2021) and after (May 7, 2022).

Edits which mean Monkeypox now seems worse than it did before. Not dramatically worse. But still, worse.

Sound familiar?

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