Vaccinated Rat and Human Heart Cell Study Shows How Hearts Get Damaged

Mathematician Igor Chudov reviews a research letter submitted to The British Journal of Pharmacology by a German/Hungarian team of scientists.

“We already know, based on cardiac damage markers in humans, that COVID vaccines cause heart damage, sometimes hidden, that is far from rare…

What is not as clear is: what exactly does happen to the hearts that raises biomarkers of damage?

Since scientists cannot remove and slice the hearts of living humans, the mechanism of this damage remains mysterious…

To explore this issue they…

“… used cell cultures to conduct an experiment unaffected by the many complications of testing the hearts of living organisms. They had proper control groups – Petri dishes with heart cells that did not receive the mRNA injection.

… and found…

The heart cells… underwent deleterious changes after in-vitro “vaccination.” Compared to the control group, the vaccinated heart cells malfunctioned in various ways…

But not because the immune system was attacking heart cells

Much of the discussion of “myocarditis” involves hypotheses of the heart being damaged by our body’s immune rejection of heart cells.

The Schreckerberg study we are discussing purposely excluded such immune reactions because it used cell cultures without any immune cells. And yet, they detected deleterious effects on heart cells (cardiomyocytes). There are more causes of heart damage than immune reactions could explain, authors show by excluding any immune-related factor.

We must appreciate the authors’ intent to concentrate on one particular aspect of vaccination.

“Here’s the most amazing part…

“… rarely seen in peer-reviewed studies published in official journals. The authors do not mince words and say we must re-evaluate giving people mRNA vaccines due to their cardiotoxic effects!

Igor Chudov

Read Chudov’s review in full, with extracts from the letter, here.

Toward better communication

“… the Truth Movement doesn’t have an evidence problem. It has a communication problem…. here’s a few of the things that do work…

Feargus O’Connor Greenwood

The author of “180 Degrees: Unlearn The Lies You’ve Been Taught To Believe” talks with Doc Ahmed Malik.

They discuss the five hurdles, one communication trap and some of the ten solutions that could help us reach each other.

Eurostat excess mortality updated to August, 2023

Ireland: HIGHEST in EU at 21.1%

Yet… amazingly… our Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly has no idea.

Apologies for the small text on the bar chart. But that’s how it exports from Eurostat.

Vertical centre line = average monthly death rate (so excess is 0%).
Left / Right of that line = percentage below / above average.

Eurostat Interactive Tool

Use the interactive tool to select Ireland and compare it with the EU average. As you do I invite you to ponder a question: why aren’t Irish excess deaths coming down in the Summer like they’re supposed to?

Cancers, Clots & COVID Vaccines – with Dr. William Makis

“… I always tell people, this is not incompetence. You cannot explain any of this with incompetence. There’s a tremendous amount of malice behind the decisions that were taken…”

Dr. William Makis

Thorough and wide-ranging conversation between CryptoRich and oncologist Dr. William Makis.

They discuss everything from turbo cancer, sudden deaths, vaccine quality, no autopsies and hiding data – to how we can mind our health and the price of silence…

Also on CryptoRich’s channel: PART 1 | PART 2

Dr. William Makis: