An admission courtesy of those Admissions?

Alberta inadvertently confessed to fiddling the stats.

A good lesson in how the numbers are fiddled. Worth reading in full. But in case you’re not going to, here’s an insight:

Like everywhere else in the world they claim very impressive vaccine effectiveness by following the fraudulent standard set by the drug manufacturers in the pantomime clinical trials, i.e. to ignore the adverse outcomes in the first two weeks post administration.

But then they go one better and actually inflate the unvaccinated numbers too…

Almost half of all COVID hospitalizations of the newly vaccinated occurred within 14 days which means they were treated as unvaccinated in the stats.

Joel Smalley

If size matters…

… this will be hard to beat!

I don’t know how convoy lengths are measured. Is it simply a matter of counting the trucks and combining their lengths?

Assuming each was 25m long then it suggests some 2,800 trucks were needed to make up yesterdays 70km convoy.

And there’d have to be 6,000 involved now to make up today’s 150km total.


Guess we’ll find out when the various convoys all converge on Ottawa.

We’ll also find out what Spotify think of free speech soon. Or at least what they think of bullying. Because Neil Young seems to be saying they either dump Joe Rogan or him.

That’s ballsy Neil. Comparing your value to Spotify with what Rogan brings them. Good luck with that.

Good luck too with your thinning fan base. Because many who value free-speech and don’t like bullying are now dumping you.

Thanks Jessica for the update – and the trucker video.

A Second Opinion

Thanks to…

  • NGOs, Governments and medical institutions blocking innovative, safe and effective treatment protocols
  • medical boards oppressing doctors for daring to try treating their patients
  • fraudulent scientific papers and statements
  • skewed statistics
  • ignoring of natural immunity
  • mainstream and social media censorship and cancellation of those advocating protocols or asking questions
  • and more… (all being done for our sake of course!)…

… it’s been almost impossible to get a second opinion on Covid-19.

Until yesterday, January 24th, when Senator Ron Johnson held a Roundtable panel discussion in the US Senate.1766,148 views as I type A clever thing to do as the perspectives and testimonies of world renowned doctors, medical experts, researchers, legal and military professionals and members of the public are now in the senate record – and thus less censorable.

This discussion provides a different perspective on the global pandemic response and explores the current state of knowledge of early and hospital treatment, vaccine efficacy and safety, what went right, what went wrong, what should be done now, and what needs to be addressed long term.

The panel starts at 40 minutes into the recording, then runs for almost 5 hours. Yes it’s long. But it’s an amazing 5 hours. Especially if you are a medical practitioner.2If you don’t have 5 hours here’s the highlights in 38 minutes.

More detailed time codes will be available in time. But here are the opening statements to get you started:

  • 00:40:15 Sen. Ron Johnson
  • 00:50:40 Dr. Peter McCullough
  • 00:57:00 Dr. Ryan Cole
  • 01:00:45 Dr. Harvey Risch
  • 01:07:25 Dr. Pierre Kory
  • 01:16:05 Dr. Richard Urso
  • 01:28:00 Dr. Christina Parks
  • 01:33:30 Dr. Mary Boden
  • 01:38:30 Dr. Harpal Mangat
  • 01:41:05 Dr. Paul Marik
  • 01:50:10 Dr. Aaron Kheriaty
  • 01:57:00 Dr. Robert Malone
  • 02:03:15 Dr. David Wiseman
  • 02:09:10 Dr. Christina Parks (vaccines on race)
  • 02:12:15 Dr. Richard Urso (acknowledging Sen. Johnson)
  • 02:13:20 Dr. Jay Bhattacharya
  • 02:21:50 Open discussion begins…
  • 03:44:45 Brianne Dressen, vaccine injured
  • 03:46:00 Kyle Warner, vaccine injured

Watch on Rumble

Good people can do awful things.

During the Covid response it has amazed me to witness otherwise ‘good’ people going along with – even relishing the lockdowns, masks, censorship, suppression of treatments, coerced injections, risking children to save adults, piling ludicrous debt onto future generations, creating a privileged and an ostracised class of citizen, human rights violations… and much more.

Intuitively, the harms from any one of the above are obvious to anyone thinking about it. Just one extra bit of imagination and the collateral damage from the whole becomes apparent. Our Covid cure is far, far worse than Covid itself would ever have been.

So why are ‘good people’ going along with such obvious harms being inflicted on both themselves and others? And why are some of them actively inflicting those harms?

A rare, ‘serious’ video from JP Sears sheds some light.

Kate Wand’s piece on this topic takes things deeper and makes it more personal to each of us. The Line Dividing Good and Evil passes through each of our hearts… and it is evil’s ordinary, banal nature that allows evil spread like a fungus.

Referencing the writings of Hannah Arendt and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn she suggests:

When people do not think, others can put thoughts in their heads. If the greatest acts of evil are committed and accomplished by ordinary people who have lost their ability to think, this leaves a wide gap easily filled with propaganda.

Kate Wand

So if someone has had their ability to think nullified by fear of say, an invisible, deadly virus potentially lurking in the breath of every person they encounter1aka ‘asymptomatic spread’ – now see how damaging this medical myth is?!… and that unthinking mind is then subjected to authoritative direction… then it won’t take much for them to go passively along with, or actively commit harm.

In fact it’ll probably seem to them that such behaviour is quite normal.

Even good.

If history lends prediction to the future, then our fate depends on the sum of our personal choices and moral conviction, and perhaps above all, our ability to think.

Kate Wand

  • 1
    aka ‘asymptomatic spread’ – now see how damaging this medical myth is?!

Human today. Not Human Tomorrow.

In this thorough overview Patrick Wood warns about ‘mass formation’ and the totalitarian world it is enabling and creating.

One of the early warning signs that we are living within totalitarianism is the stigmatising of some people as a danger to society and less than human. Just as happened in 1930s Germany.1See the video of holocaust survivor Marian Turski included in the article. Irish viewers might notice our President Michael D. Higgins in the audience! Worryingly, some German police officers seem to already believe this about vaccine-free people today.

Of course that belief might seem reasonable to someone sincerely terrified of Covid and convinced the jab(s) are the only way out. But Wood has a warning for them too:

It’s important to realize you cannot comply your way out of this tyranny. If you choose to get the COVID shot because you don’t want to be stigmatized, there can be no end to your compliance to future boosters, no matter what the cost to you or your family.

In short order — a handful of months at most — you will suddenly and arbitrarily be deemed an unvaccinated menace to society again, even though you’ve already had one, two or three kill shots.

None of that will matter. You get no brownie points for past compliance. At six months past your second or third dose, your status will go from green to red, from human to not human, literally overnight. You’re “unvaccinated” again, until or unless you get another booster. This cycle will continue until you’re dead. Are you game? Is that how you want to spend the rest of your life?

COVID Shots Keep the ‘Pandemic’ Going…

Patrick Wood

Is there a way out of this?

Yes. But it is going to take time.

To paraphrase Wood (and the Desmet interview he includes2If you want avoid supporting YouTube you can catch it on Odysee), those of us aware of the danger need to:

  • continue to provide true and accurate information to counter the false narratives. Those not yet fully entranced might be diverted back to sanity. Speaking out may also help limit the atrocities the regime commits because in totalitarianism, crimes against humanity increase as dissent decreases.
  • substitute threat of the virus with the greater threat of totalitarianism.3Greater because totalitarianism ALWAYS devours its own children. Try appealing to people’s memory of the freedoms they grew up with. Are they prepared to leave their own children with zero freedom to think and act for themselves?
  • unite with other dissenters into larger, visible groups. This encourages the larger, not-fully-entranced majority who are still too fearful to go against the totalitarians to begin to do so.
  • start building parallel structures4A business, organization, technology, movement or creative pursuit that fits within the totalitarian society while being morally outside of it. As sufficient such structures are created, a parallel culture is born that functions as a sanctuary of sanity within the totalitarian world. within your local communities that address the four underlying conditions that allowed mass formation psychosis to develop in the first place: poor social bonding; lack of meaning in life; free-floating anxiety and discontent; free-floating frustration and aggression.

By rebuilding society, starting locally, into one where people feel connected and valued, the foundational psychological conditions for totalitarianism are undermined and ultimately eliminated. That’s the grand challenge facing all of us.

Patrick Wood

  • 1
    See the video of holocaust survivor Marian Turski included in the article. Irish viewers might notice our President Michael D. Higgins in the audience!
  • 2
    If you want avoid supporting YouTube you can catch it on Odysee
  • 3
    Greater because totalitarianism ALWAYS devours its own children.
  • 4
    A business, organization, technology, movement or creative pursuit that fits within the totalitarian society while being morally outside of it. As sufficient such structures are created, a parallel culture is born that functions as a sanctuary of sanity within the totalitarian world.

Ignore Sweden then and California now

Mainstream media and ‘experts’ predicted disaster for Sweden because it wasn’t doing the right things. They then ignored Sweden when it fared better than places which did precisely those things.

Conversely, they praised California for doing the right things – only to ignore it (and other inconveniences) when the right results didn’t emerge.

Almost as if truth doesn’t matter, but a certain narrative does.

If you haven’t time to read Miller’s pieces on Sweden1Somewhat dated from Sept 2021, but aging well and California, just look at the charts in each. They highlight the insanity of The ScienceTM we are meant to follow into the new normal.

California’s Failure Should End COVID Mandates… but it won’t

Ian Miller

  • 1
    Somewhat dated from Sept 2021, but aging well

Won’t believe there is a conspiracy happening around Covid?

Then you must have found some way of denying or dismissing the obvious.

In which case, whether you read it as a “conspiracy denier” or a “coincidence theorist”…

… Robert Malone’s recent News that Doesn’t make it to “Mainstream” will simply bounce off your comforting bubble of denial. Especially the bit about “nation states” being a thing of the past.

But if you’re Irish, before you let that bounce happen perhaps ponder this.

Even though Ireland wasn’t mentioned by Malone or Lord, we do have some Klaus Schwab / World Economic Forum graduates amongst us.

Like Leo Varadkar for one.

Just a coincidence though. Nothing to see here. Right?

Cartoon above from Jerm. Who is ‘out’ as a conspiracy theorist.

Believing that there are not nefarious, powerful people trying to control our lives from a local level to a global level, is profoundly naive and, quite frankly, stupid.

It’s not a conspiracy theory if they’re openly telling you what they’re doing.

Jerm Warfare

Athletes continue to drop…

… but it seems the penny still hasn’t with the wider public.

Probably because, like Mattias Desmet says, they are under a kind of hypnosis which is called ‘mass formation’ – a collective state which fosters the emergence of totalitarian regimes.

Media, politicians, scientists, doctors, nurses, police and others with duty of care to the public not investigating these injuries and deaths1So groups are forming to do so. Like Good Sciencing. are helping sustain the trance… and allowing this continue.

It’s important those of us aware of what’s going on speak out as best we can. Because our silence also allows it continue.

Source/credit: Hugo Talks