Clairvoyants anticipate Monkeypox

Some scientists, public health officials and philanthropists seem gifted.

At least the ones talking about preparedness and doing tabletop exercises.

Although they’re really bad at “keeping everybody safe,” the global guardians of “public health” are awfully good at prophecy

Mark Crispin Miller

Patrick Wood has also remarked on this amazing ability.

Wanting to maintain focus on the criminality of all this may be why Wood didn’t further comment on two aspects which stood out for me.

Continue reading Clairvoyants anticipate Monkeypox

Human today. Not Human Tomorrow.

In this thorough overview Patrick Wood warns about ‘mass formation’ and the totalitarian world it is enabling and creating.

One of the early warning signs that we are living within totalitarianism is the stigmatising of some people as a danger to society and less than human. Just as happened in 1930s Germany.1See the video of holocaust survivor Marian Turski included in the article. Irish viewers might notice our President Michael D. Higgins in the audience! Worryingly, some German police officers seem to already believe this about vaccine-free people today.

Of course that belief might seem reasonable to someone sincerely terrified of Covid and convinced the jab(s) are the only way out. But Wood has a warning for them too:

It’s important to realize you cannot comply your way out of this tyranny. If you choose to get the COVID shot because you don’t want to be stigmatized, there can be no end to your compliance to future boosters, no matter what the cost to you or your family.

In short order — a handful of months at most — you will suddenly and arbitrarily be deemed an unvaccinated menace to society again, even though you’ve already had one, two or three kill shots.

None of that will matter. You get no brownie points for past compliance. At six months past your second or third dose, your status will go from green to red, from human to not human, literally overnight. You’re “unvaccinated” again, until or unless you get another booster. This cycle will continue until you’re dead. Are you game? Is that how you want to spend the rest of your life?

COVID Shots Keep the ‘Pandemic’ Going…

Patrick Wood

Is there a way out of this?

Yes. But it is going to take time.

To paraphrase Wood (and the Desmet interview he includes2If you want avoid supporting YouTube you can catch it on Odysee), those of us aware of the danger need to:

  • continue to provide true and accurate information to counter the false narratives. Those not yet fully entranced might be diverted back to sanity. Speaking out may also help limit the atrocities the regime commits because in totalitarianism, crimes against humanity increase as dissent decreases.
  • substitute threat of the virus with the greater threat of totalitarianism.3Greater because totalitarianism ALWAYS devours its own children. Try appealing to people’s memory of the freedoms they grew up with. Are they prepared to leave their own children with zero freedom to think and act for themselves?
  • unite with other dissenters into larger, visible groups. This encourages the larger, not-fully-entranced majority who are still too fearful to go against the totalitarians to begin to do so.
  • start building parallel structures4A business, organization, technology, movement or creative pursuit that fits within the totalitarian society while being morally outside of it. As sufficient such structures are created, a parallel culture is born that functions as a sanctuary of sanity within the totalitarian world. within your local communities that address the four underlying conditions that allowed mass formation psychosis to develop in the first place: poor social bonding; lack of meaning in life; free-floating anxiety and discontent; free-floating frustration and aggression.

By rebuilding society, starting locally, into one where people feel connected and valued, the foundational psychological conditions for totalitarianism are undermined and ultimately eliminated. That’s the grand challenge facing all of us.

Patrick Wood

  • 1
    See the video of holocaust survivor Marian Turski included in the article. Irish viewers might notice our President Michael D. Higgins in the audience!
  • 2
    If you want avoid supporting YouTube you can catch it on Odysee
  • 3
    Greater because totalitarianism ALWAYS devours its own children.
  • 4
    A business, organization, technology, movement or creative pursuit that fits within the totalitarian society while being morally outside of it. As sufficient such structures are created, a parallel culture is born that functions as a sanctuary of sanity within the totalitarian world.