But then again one of the manufacturers did tell us in advance. In a roundabout way.
Continue reading Vaccine Shedding ProvenCategory: Blog
Uninformed Consent, the documentary
Here is the full 2-hour 9-minute film 1Courtesy of Librti.com – a joint production partner along with Vaccine Choice Canada and Children’s Health Defense.
Short on time?
This 8-minute introduction includes a trailer.2President of Vaccine Choice Canada, Ted Kuntz introducing the movie to the WCH assembly of July 25th
Continue reading Uninformed Consent, the documentary- 1Courtesy of Librti.com – a joint production partner along with Vaccine Choice Canada and Children’s Health Defense.
- 2President of Vaccine Choice Canada, Ted Kuntz introducing the movie to the WCH assembly of July 25th
Brilliantly Difficult
One of the good outcomes of the plandemic is the rise of (a few) creative people. Realizing the difficulty we are in they are risking much (while most of their peers stay silent).
Bob Moran is one of them.
His art has been shared here before. Because it conveys so much, so quickly.
Continue reading Brilliantly DifficultUpdated booster is medical quackery
By definition.
Quackery is an old term, involving dishonest or confused persons selling treatments that are untested and are not working…
[citing wikipedia] “Common elements of general quackery include questionable diagnoses using questionable diagnostic tests, as well as untested or refuted treatments.”
Everything checks out, right? Questionable tests, untested and known-not-to-work treatments, describe Covid response and Covid vaccines perfectly.
Igor Chudov
On Flying While (Un)Vaccinated
Maajid Nawaz speaks to four pilots opposed to vaccine mandates for airline staff.:
- JetStar and Qantas Captain Alan Dana
- Virgin pilot and flight instructor Captain Glen Waters
- President of US Freedom Fliers Captain Joshua Yoder
- United States Airforce veteran and pilot Captain Bob Snow
Mass Formation: A Decoy for Digital Concentration Camps
I was a fan of the ‘mass formation’ analysis. Not so much after this.
The Breggin critique took away my comfort blanket. Behind which I’d been avoiding looking at the evil running the show.
It’s time to face it.
Catherine Austin Fitts talked with Peter Breggin about some of the flaws with Mattias Desmet’s work – and its dangers.
Prefer reading? Links to the three-part critique on Solari.com. There’s also this piece by Ulrike Granögger.
The Decentralized Medical Network
Decentralized. Like Bastyon and Odysee.
Check out their mission statement on DeMed.com
(Being developed with the support of the GlobalCovidSummit.org)
getting canceled by twitter made me more optimistic than ever about free speech
Support vaccine mandates?
“Look these people in the eyes and tell them…”
I strongly encourage you to watch this video and share it with everyone you know.
But you must be forewarned. The imagery is emotionally disturbing, so prepare yourself. However, we need to start looking at reality with eyes wide open…
The victims’ struggle, their pain, their deaths deserve to be acknowledged…
Dr. Joseph Mercola
Complicit in the coercion?
Continue reading Support vaccine mandates?More mask mischief
The ScienceTM just can’t help itself. Despite the glaringly obvious.

There is a new systematic review of 1732 mask studies to determine whether masks work. It is on a preprint server meaning it is not peer-reviewed.
Almost all of the 1732 potential studies were eliminated so they only looked at 13 studies with a total of 243 COVID infections between the two groups.
One of the 13 studies that was not eliminated was done in 2004 which is impressive since SARS-CoV-2 didn’t exist at the time.
From that, they conclude that masks provide nearly a 90% risk reduction of getting infected.
That is preposterous.
Steve Kirsch
More on masks: Tom Woods | Ian Miller1He’s done several mask articles | Swiss Policy Research2Direct link to aerosol demo video.
Still trust mask science?
Then try the Covid Charts Quiz.
Yes, the charts are pre-injections, so it is dated. But if they are effective you should still be able to spot the influence of masks (and lockdowns).
Shouldn’t you?
- 1He’s done several mask articles
- 2Direct link to aerosol demo video.