Tag: Vaccine Death
Dying suddenly in sleep or from a run
Today Dr. Jessica Rose published a Substack outlining the role of adrenaline in triggering sudden deaths post-covid-injections.. Especially when it rises during:
– exercise or
– sleep (naturally, 3:00-6:00am).
Two punch knock-out: shot-induced heart scarring and adrenaline
The connection between the shots and the adrenals
As part of bio-distribution and accumulation studies, it was discovered that the LNPs1Lipid Nanoparticles traffic to and accumulate at high concentrations in the adrenal glands. They stopped measuring after 48 hours and it is unknown if the concentrations would have kept increasing…
So the question becomes, what are the effects of this? Could the adrenals become dysfunctional and produce undesirable adrenaline surges? … I can’t think of a reason why some kind of ‘disturbance’ to ‘normal functioning’ wouldn’t ensue. It would be like throwing a bunch of sand into a dough mixture, wouldn’t it? The bread wouldn’t work.
Dr. Jessica Rose
What is VAERS2Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System saying?
I looked in VAERS for ‘Adrenal insufficiency’, ‘Dysautonomia’, and ‘Autonomic nervous system imbalance’ and ‘Cortisol decreased’ found 3,332 reports.
… when the counts are normalized to shot administration number per age group, it is interesting how the 18-24 age group has the highest frequency of reports per 100,000 doses. And yes, I know. The numbers are tiny. But the pattern is there.
Dr. Jessica Rose

Read in full on her Substack.
- 1Lipid Nanoparticles
- 2Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System
Young Hearts 41
“If he didn’t take a vaccine he would be alive today” – Dr Peter McCullough
On the eve of the Joseph McGinty inquest decision, Louise Rosengrave recaps the testimonies. Including that of Dr. Peter McCullough.
Dr McCullough examined the details of Joseph McGinty’s autopsy and said the findings are consistent with multi-system inflammation disorder, which is a fatal condition. In contrast to the second opinion offered as evidence to the inquest into Joseph’s death, Dr McCullough does not find Addison’s Disease a credible cause of death, since, he said, it does not cause inflammation.*
The Texas based medic specializes in the management of post-covid 19 syndromes and injuries.
Before delving into his commentary, it’s worth considering the evidence again.
… Sunday marks the two year anniversary of the teen’s vaccination, on August 20 2021…
Louise Rosengrave
Young Hearts 40
Black Swan Event
This latest ‘Young Hearts’ video by checkur6 features extracts from Ed Dowd’s interview with Children’s Health Defense which you can watch in full here.
Several Irish entries, some of which have featured in previous Young Hearts videos.
Dangerous vaccine data from Australia

If I had known this prior to being vaccinated in 2021 myself, there’s NO WAY I would have accepted this vaccine.
Dr. John Campbell
The Western Australia Vaccine Safety Surveillance report
Continue reading Dangerous vaccine data from AustraliaIn memory of those who “died suddenly” … July 10-July 17, 2023
Mark Crispin Miller and team continue their regular recording and highlighting of sudden deaths from around the world. Here’s the latest list from Ireland…
Young Hearts 39
Denis Rancourt: testimony update to National Citizen’s Inquiry Canada – 28 June 2023
Invited back by the NCI Commissioners to
- share updated all-cause mortality data for Canada
- review two studies for the Commissioners (one of which was referenced by Douglas Allen in his testimony).
Young Hearts 38
Immune System Down
Some Irish featured…
3:47 – Judy Fitzgerald
4:52 – Edward O’Sullivan
5:32 – Ray Stevenson (N. Irl.)
7:27 – Tiernan Grennan
8:58 – Caoimhín Mallon (N. Irl.)
10:35 – Rory Carlin (N. Irl.)
15:16 – Kaylee Black (N. Irl.)