Net Present Value

The Safe and Effective™ is so safe that governments are running schemes to pay off your relatives if you die from the Safe and Effective™…

In order to qualify for one of these paltry payouts you have to persuade a doctor (who will risk getting struck off for signing your form) to sign your form. And you know that it isn’t the manufacturer of the Safe and Effective™ who is underwriting this scheme, don’t you? It’s you. The taxpayer. The public. The very people that funded the Safe and Effective™. The manufacturers are paying zip, and can’t be sued (until they can be shown to have committed fraud)…

Do you get it yet?

Dr. Ah Kahn Syed1Pseudonym. Previously @arkmedic on twitter. MD PhD.

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    Pseudonym. Previously @arkmedic on twitter. MD PhD.

No Holy Communion for the Sick, They Said

She wanted to receive Holy Communion. She was 88 years old…

The nurses avoided our questions, ignored us, and then finally told us you can’t come in. “She can’t have any visitors,” the disembodied cowardly voice crackled through the intercom…

… I lived in Romania for 15 years. I had been exposed to the spirit of a totalitarian regime… I was not going to back off…

I detected the familiar, sinister spirit of blind obedience to a soulless, state policy. I had to fulfill my sacred duty…

Fr. John Lincoln Downie

50 Reasons to Give Your Child the COVID Shot

… wondering if it’s a good idea to give your kid the COVID shot? I know there’s an ocean of mis/dis/mal/information out there to navigate, so I’ve compiled this handy list of reasons you’ll want to rush your child to the nearest injection site stat.

Margaret Anna Alice

Too busy for all 50?

Just skim these nine here…

Continue reading 50 Reasons to Give Your Child the COVID Shot

Young Canadian doctors dying

All shortly after the jab

Some in clusters.

But officials, experts and fact-checkers say they died from other causes, not the shots. So nothing to worry about.

What a relief!

Plus, anecdotes like these prove nothing.

A fair, logical point.

But if we apply that logic in the other direction…

Continue reading Young Canadian doctors dying

“And… if you tolerate this,

then your children will be next…”

Last year Conspiracy Theorists were using that Manic Street Preachers chorus as a warning.

Now, in June 2022, those we are supposed to surrender our sovereign medical choices and human rights to are advocating COVID injections for 6-months to 4-years old.1The Massacre Of The Innocents according to Toby Rogers

That these people are doing this when children are at near-zero risk from COVID2See here and here. Also this quote from question 4 (of 19) addressed to the FDA by 18 Members of Congress on June 7th: “As of April 2022, the CDC reported 484 COVID-related deaths among children ages five and under (over a two+ year period). According to the CDC there are about 24,000 deaths overall in children ages 0-5 annually.” So… an average of 242 annual “COVID-related deaths” (ie could all have died with and not from) in 0-5yr-olds is somehow considered an emergency in the context of 24,000 of that cohort dying annually anyway?? is mind-boggling enough.3At least four hypotheses seem to fit. 1) The ‘unvaccinated’ control group must be eliminated or at least minimized to hide the damage being done by the injections to the wider population. 2) This is a stepping stone to adding mRNA injections to the childhood vaccination schedule, whereupon manufacturers would be protected from liability forever. 3) They are still in the grip of the COVID mass formation. 4) It is another attempt at population control (which is on some peoples agendas – and has been attempted using vaccines before).

But check out HOW these people use The ScienceTM to make their case!

(Short on time? This 4-min video by Dr. Claire Craig conveys a lot. This 7-min includes her and conveys even more.).

Continue reading “And… if you tolerate this,
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    The Massacre Of The Innocents according to Toby Rogers
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    See here and here. Also this quote from question 4 (of 19) addressed to the FDA by 18 Members of Congress on June 7th: “As of April 2022, the CDC reported 484 COVID-related deaths among children ages five and under (over a two+ year period). According to the CDC there are about 24,000 deaths overall in children ages 0-5 annually.” So… an average of 242 annual “COVID-related deaths” (ie could all have died with and not from) in 0-5yr-olds is somehow considered an emergency in the context of 24,000 of that cohort dying annually anyway??
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    At least four hypotheses seem to fit. 1) The ‘unvaccinated’ control group must be eliminated or at least minimized to hide the damage being done by the injections to the wider population. 2) This is a stepping stone to adding mRNA injections to the childhood vaccination schedule, whereupon manufacturers would be protected from liability forever. 3) They are still in the grip of the COVID mass formation. 4) It is another attempt at population control (which is on some peoples agendas – and has been attempted using vaccines before).

Underwear doesn’t stop a fart

But some people think a mask stops a virus.

Steve Kirsch is not one of them. So much so that he’s offering $250,000 to MIT, Harvard and Stanford Universities to produce convincing evidence.

I’d be willing to make a $250K grant to MIT if there is a MIT faculty member (you can field as MANY as you like) who can convince Professor Norman Fenton and Stephen Petty that there is scientific evidence that shows that masks reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2.

Steve Kirsch

Cartoon by Bob Moran