Pulse Oximeters. Be careful.

(26th March, since posting I’ve additionally learned oximeters might not only be unreliable, but can also give different results based on skin colour.)

Since COVID more and more people are measuring their blood-oxygen levels, watching for a threshold they’ve been told to worry about.

Interestingly, those thresholds are set by both mainstream and freedom oriented medics. For instance, the FLCCC say get to hospital if blood-oxygen saturation drops below 94%.


… Scott Schara sees oximeter use as pivotal in the lead up to the medical murder of his Down’s Syndrome daughter, Grace.

… Leslie Batts regrets using one too. Because it opened the door to the killing of her husband in hospital.

Knowledge misapplied or a psyop?

Most of us think oximeters are a useful tool. But…

Continue reading Pulse Oximeters. Be careful.

COVID Psychological Manipulation: Unpacked

Insights aplenty.. Plus an admission from Dr. Campbell.

“Ros Nealon-Cook, a psychologist from Australia, had her license suspended for sounding the alarm about the harms to children from government pandemic policy. Ros has joined forces with a number health professionals from around the world who were similarly censored and silenced. Together, they have created The Cape Byron Lighthouse Declaration to raise awareness about the widespread propaganda and censorship of expert scientific opinion. You can read and sign the declaration here: www.lighthousedeclaration.world – adding your signature will take less than a minute.

In the coming months, the Lighthouse Declaration team will host a series of webinars and roundtables to further expand the conversation on these critical issues.

Ros and the Lighthouse Declaration team, can be contacted through their social media channels or via the website:

Twitter: @Lighthouse_Dec
Twitter: @rosalina_nc
Facebook: LighthouseDeclaration
Instagram: @lighthouse_dec

Dr. John Campbell

Cars, trains and Scooby-Doo

How to summarise JJ Couey?

On Monday I was telling a friend about the impact finding JJ Couey has had on me.

My friend has been exploring the plandemic since 2020. Me since 2021. Yet he was still unaware of Couey while I only found Couey a few months ago. Two examples of how ‘the internet’ can leave us with limited perspectives despite our best efforts.

Couey might put that down to the cars we each ended up in. Cars whose passengers and drivers might be (wittingly or unwittingly) part of ‘The Scooby-Doo’ and affecting our perception of the train.

But there’s more to the ousted university research assistant professor than insightful analogies.

Biology as way out of the cave

Couey educates from a thorough understanding of biology and neuroscience – including in-depth knowledge and laboratory experience of transfection (which is what COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ do, and actually are).1Transfection is the insertion of foreign nucleic acids into a host’s eukaryotic cells (sources). Eukaryotic cells are those which contain “several membrane-bound structures, or organelles, which are specialized cellular subunits that carry out specific cellular functions.” (source also has a helpful graphic)

Because understanding the sacred biology of our world can expose the many myths underpinning COVID and other aspects of modern medicine – like the US childhood vaccination schedule. Also ‘the meddlers‘ keeping us distracted from important truths.

So, with his biology flashlight pointed forward he’s showing us a way out of the cave.2Plato’s Cave: “… describes a group of people who have lived chained to the wall of a cave all their lives, facing a blank wall. The people watch shadows projected on the wall from objects passing in front of a fire behind them and give names to these shadows. The shadows are the prisoners’ reality, but are not accurate representations of the real world.”

For my friend. Maybe you too?

My friend wanted an introduction to Couey. Challenging, given the scope of Couey’s insights and prolific output.

I settled on his personal livestream of a January presentation to the Medical Doctors for COVID Ethics International.

Because I find it both succinct and thorough.

I also offer the Q&A after the talk.

Because some interesting characters3If you want to see some of who were there, watch the Q&A on Rumble ask interesting questions which get Couey talking about many things – including virus/no-virus, vaccination, clones, genomes, an adversary, his own stupidity and more.

Plus, some of his humanity is captured at the end.

The talk

The Q&A

JJ Couey (GigaohmBiological.com) | My Couey archive

  • 1
    Transfection is the insertion of foreign nucleic acids into a host’s eukaryotic cells (sources). Eukaryotic cells are those which contain “several membrane-bound structures, or organelles, which are specialized cellular subunits that carry out specific cellular functions.” (source also has a helpful graphic)
  • 2
    Plato’s Cave: “… describes a group of people who have lived chained to the wall of a cave all their lives, facing a blank wall. The people watch shadows projected on the wall from objects passing in front of a fire behind them and give names to these shadows. The shadows are the prisoners’ reality, but are not accurate representations of the real world.”
  • 3
    If you want to see some of who were there, watch the Q&A on Rumble

Lest we forget…

A synopsis of Maddie de Garay’s story. Also features Milo Peterson, Sean Hartmann and Ernesto Ramirez (clips from the Unseen Crisis documentary).

Florida’s surgeon general [Dr. Joseph Ladapo] recently called for a halt in Covid vaccines due to safety questions, while the federal government continues to heavily promote them for adults and kids alike. Today we begin with a little-told story about Covid vaccine injuries. It’s the story of Maddie, one of the children who took part in Pfizer’s vaccine study on children. It’s a remarkable account of what happened when Maddie got very, very sick, leading to accusations that Pfizer, the FDA, and the study leaders tried to bury her case...

Sharyl Atkinson (FullMeasure.news)

Caught in their own trap?

Appropriate vaccine information they want to ignore

Pasted below the line: a thorough and succinct critique of a recent “we must overcome vaccine hesitancy” article. Copied from the PANDA Substack. Also published on Pandata.org


“On January 5, 2024 the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published an article by Peter Marks and Robert Califf. Both authors are affiliated with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The article, “Is Vaccination Approaching a Dangerous Tipping Point?,” is a discussion about growing vaccine hesitancy in the US, and includes suggestions on how to alter this trend. The article is brief; it contains only nine paragraphs and one figure. The authors claim that vaccines (including the Covid shot) have been carefully developed and are safe and effective. They also argue for the medical community to “redouble its efforts” to provide the public with appropriate information about vaccines.

Unfortunately there are multiple problems with the claims made by the authors. We do, however, agree with their conclusion that “the best way to counter the current large volume of vaccine misinformation is to dilute it with large amounts of truthful, accessible scientific evidence.” In consequence, we think it appropriate to respond to the article by countering their incorrect claims with truthful, scientific evidence. To accomplish this, we consider nine specific claims made in the article.

Continue reading Caught in their own trap?

Tipping the scales?

This time last month local radio programme, Tipp Today, broke media ranks by airing the issue of excess deaths.

At the time, Kilkenny journalist Jimmy Rhatigan (who has extensively covered the topic) complemented them in The cat is out of the bag.

Now, just yesterday, local newspaper Tipp Echo took the courageous step of reproducing Rhatigan’s piece.

Why Tipperary? Why Kilkenny?

Maybe it’s because the two neighbours, and arch-rivals in hurling, have been suffering similar fates in recent years?