Landmark Lawsuit Against Legacy Media

It’s about more than censorship.

The Trusted News Initiative decided to shut independent people and groups down.

Now they’re facing an anti-trust suit.


‘Trusted News Initiative’ Antitrust Litigation
Dr. Mercola Website – Mercola.Com
Sovren.Media: Premium Video + Social Media
Truth In Media | Investigative Journalism With Ben Swann
The Truth About Cancer 
The Truth About Vaccines
The Gateway Pundit
Creative Destruction Media
The Echo Project
Tapper Chiropractic
Trial Site News
JW Howard Attorneys

Children’s Health Defense

Watch on: Children’s Health Defense | Rumble

The Real Anthony Fauci (Part 1)

Official1Requires submitting a name & email. If you’d rather not do that there are some copies (for now) on Bitchute, Odysee & Rumble. freeview available for another:

Based on the book by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Part 2 will be free to view for seven days from 27th October.

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    Requires submitting a name & email. If you’d rather not do that there are some copies (for now) on Bitchute, Odysee & Rumble.

Chair of COVID-19 Commission: Fauci Not ‘Telling It Like It Is’

In an interview on “RFK Jr.1Robert F. Kennedy, Junior The Defender Podcast,” Jeffrey Sachs, Ph.D., chair of the COVID-19 Commission, explains why he changed his mind about the possibility SARS-CoV-2 leaked from a lab, and why he believes Dr. Anthony Fauci is not being honest with the public.

Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D.

But I wouldn’t spend much time on the origin issue. Because, as Jonathan Engler remarks, it’s a distraction that suits the narrative.

So why share it?

To point out Fauci is either outright lying or merely hiding something. Whichever is the case it makes him untrustworthy.

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    Robert F. Kennedy, Junior

Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda

Some Africa countries recently blocked the WHO global power grab.1Thank you Africa! Clearly they don’t Trust The ScienceTM.

This 28-min movie, outlining a deliberate attempt to use vaccines to prevent women carrying to full term, might help you understand why.

Yesterday the World Council for Health hosted a screening of it – followed by live Q&A with director Dr. Andrew Wakefield.2See also the Children’s Health Defense.

I think the truth is the future of humanity lies in the hands of womankind…

… one of the things that has been a guiding light on my medical career – and certainly in my approach to vaccine safety – has been the insight, the intuition of mothers. It is one of the most powerful forces on the planet.

Dr. Andrew Wakefield (1:15:58)

Share. Spread the word.

Otherwise the population control agenda will roll on unhampered.

The REAL Anthony Fauci

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. appeared on Tucker Carlson’s Today show on 15th Nov 2021 to lift the lid on The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health.

It’s since been taken down from YouTube.

Thankfully someone copied it to Odysee.

He was also talking with James Corbett on the 18th November: