ALARMING Drop in Birthrates and Fertility Among MRNA Vaccinated Women

(And Men, I might add)

Mathematician Igor Chudov recently talked with Naomi Wolf about the precipitous decline in birth rates nine months after mRNA COVID injections rolled out. In several countries.

As he points out, correlation does not prove causation – but it is a signal.

interview on

His key articles on this issue |

Moderna DOUBLES the Chance of Infant Death, Compared to Pfizer

CDC’s own presentation shows that being given a higher-dose Moderna vaccine during pregnancy, almost DOUBLES the chance of neonatal death, compared to women who received the lower-dose Pfizer vaccine.

How can Covid vaccine given during pregnancy be safe and NOT affect infant deaths, if infant death rate for Moderna-inoculated women is double the infant death level for Pfizer-inoculated women and the difference is statistically significant?

Igor Chudov
Moderna DOUBLES the Chance of Infant Death, Compared to Pfizer

Not to be confused with
CDC Data: Moderna Causes 42% MORE Miscarriages Compared to Pfizer

CDC Data: Moderna Causes 42% MORE Miscarriages Compared to Pfizer

CDC’s own statistics prove beyond statistical doubt that the higher dose Moderna vaccine causes 42% MORE miscarriages, compared to the Pfizer vaccine, casting doubt on CDC’s claim that both are “safe for pregnancy”…

Slide 33 compares miscarriage rates of women who were in perfectly identical situations (vaccinated during pregnancy), with the only difference being whether they took Pfizer (30 mcg) or Moderna (higher dose 100 mcg, 50 mcg for booster) vaccine.

This is a true apples-to-apples, vaccinated-to-vaccinated women comparison.

The explanation is, likely, that we are seeing a dose-response relationship! Moderna is a higher dose injection — and Moderna-injected women have more miscarriages! If that is the case — and we’d need to confirm it more — this is all proof we need to know that Covid vaccines affect miscarriages.

Igor Chudov

Arkmedic confirms & discusses the:

  • trickery (or ineptitude?) employed in interpreting this v-safe pregnancy data
  • and the conflicts of interest…

… which seem to underpin published lies like:

Source: BREAKING: Igor just blew the lid off the V-safe pregnancy registry

The CDC slide both authors refer to has been archived here and here.

Roy Butler inquest delayed

Roy Butler (23) from Waterford died five days post Janssen vaccine.117th Aug, 2021 The Janssen vaccine is the ‘one shot’ Covid 19 vaccine manufactured by Johnson and Johnson.

The process of preparing an inquest into his death requires specific information from Janssen but this has not been forthcoming…

It is unlikely the inquest will be held, before Coroner Phillip Comyn, until 2023 at the earliest.

Louise Roseingrave

Young Texans are Dying at Unprecedented Rates

Since the mRNA Experiment Began

But don’t worry.

It’s just another one of a few hundred similar statistical coincidences.

… Same time period, same state, same cohort. Twice as many excess deaths after the introduction of a novel, still experimental medical intervention.

… even more weird is that the weekly excess deaths only really spike in mid-July, almost exactly 5 months after the experiment begins and follow a remarkably similar distribution pattern

Joel Smalley

(Note: He didn’t remark on it but Smalley’s Texas chart also shows the same ‘trending upwards and not returning to baseline’ pattern that has been highlighted by others).

Steve Kirsch cites several others who have also found time-lag patterns (in both US and UK data).

Just more coincidences. Nothing to see here.

Scotland: excess baby deaths investigation

I don’t like linking to platforms that endanger lives by censoring data and medical opinion. But I’m not aware of Dr. John Campbell publishing anywhere else… and this info needs to get out.

(Plus, in my humble opinion, this is a masterful display of how to communicate without tripping the censorship algorithms. Wonder if they’ll start censoring silence, tone-of-voice and/or facial expressions next?!)

Watch on YouTube

Here’s what he wrote in the video description:

Continue reading Scotland: excess baby deaths investigation

Australia: all-cause deaths up 17.1%

Official Australian stats1Archive versions of that page here and here. show 17.1% more deaths than expected in 2021-2022. Here’s their main graph – to which I’ve added southern hemisphere seasons.

Initially the ‘with and without Covid’ approach distracted from the key metric: all-cause deaths (red line).

But, once focused I began comparing the red line to the baseline range (light blue zone)… and recalled something my statistics lecturer in university said: the height of the curve is not as important as the total area under it.

So I found myself wondering:

  • why did deaths in this particular Australian summer so greatly exceed
    1. the normal summer range and
    2. also that of the previous winter?2The chart’s language and design suggests these summer deaths are Covid related. But since when did respiratory viruses do more harm in summer than winter?!
  • why are deaths this current winter so much higher than in the previous, less-vaccinated winter?!
  • why are Australian all-cause deaths trending upwards and not returning to normal seasonal ranges – just like we see in:
    1. Rancourt’s USA findings
    2. Engler’s Lombardy analysis3see the final chart I included
    3. Euromomo
    4. Eurostat (I’ve highlighted baseline “0” in their graph)

Who could have seen this coming?

Stats people like Joel Smalley as it happens. In May he posted:

Australia begins to reap what it has sown. It’s grim.

Dr. John Campbell went in to more detail about Australia.

Thanks to checkur6 for highlighting these stats at the end of the latest Young Hearts vid.

  • 1
    Archive versions of that page here and here.
  • 2
    The chart’s language and design suggests these summer deaths are Covid related. But since when did respiratory viruses do more harm in summer than winter?!
  • 3
    see the final chart I included

In memory of those who “died suddenly”… worldwide, October 10-October 17

Mark Crisin Miller’s team is still keeping record.

Here’s the latest compilation.

UK and Ireland deaths are linked to halfway down the page.

Musicians in the US (4), Haiti, Colombia, Brazil, Ireland, Germany & Romania; fatal “vaxxidents” in US (4), Mexico, Brazil, Argentina (2), UK, Germany (2), Romania, Spain & the Philippines (3); & more

Mark Crispin Miller

Young Hearts 25

Uncharted Waters (Pfizer confirms)

Pfizer made a stunning admission this week in an EU Parliament that they did ‘no testing for transmission’, before releasing it onto the market.
Dr Birx recently admitted that she “knew it wouldn’t stop transmission” and they “overplayed the vaccine”
Barack Obama stated in April 2022 that “we’ve now essentially clinically tested (chuckle) the vaccine on billions of people worldwide”

Continue reading Young Hearts 25

Young Hearts 24

10 days of carnage (100 in 10 days)

… a compilation of 100+ news articles from the past 10 days leading up to 7th October 2022, of young people who have either died suddenly, had serious heart issues or severe adverse complications.
These are only the ones who make the news.

Waterford @ 01:30 | Fermanagh @ 4:30 | Kilkenny @ 6:55.

EDIT: Loretta Lynn doesn’t belong in this video as she was elderly. It was a production error. The Young Hearts series and other checkur6 videos are intended to present young ‘injured’ people. E.g. The video ‘A YEAR OF ATHLETES COLLAPSING – 769 SPORTS RELATED INCIDENCES – TO MARCH 2022’ is a compilation of 769 Athletes, with an average age of 23 years old.
