Jabbed, but blaming the vaccine-free for your illness?

Then that means YOU are the ‘anti-vaxxer’… because it shows you don’t believe the vaccine works!

Lets flip this Anti-vaxxer status thing!
If you have been tripple juiced and Still think the unvaxxed will make you sick, you are an anti-vaxxer. You don’t believe the vaccine works!

@SWMarelise on twitter1Wayback Machine link in case twitter remove the post.r

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    Wayback Machine link in case twitter remove the post.

The COVID-19 Fraud & War On Humanity

On November 11th Dr. Mark Bailey and Dr. John Bevan-Smith published a thorough exposé of the global deception, covering:

  • the “double deception” sustaining the illusion of a virus1“The COVID-19 crime against humanity requires the absence of this virus so there is no material reference against which the make-believe genome can be cross-checked, to establish, for instance, whether or not the purported SARS-CoV-2 proteins specifically stem from the alleged virus.”
  • the (dodgy) virology studies from various institutions
  • some of the key (pro-vaccine) players funding them
  • the (inappropriately used) PCR test
  • the (inaccurate) modelling of outbreaks
  • the (strange) objects pathologists have found in deceased jab recipients
  • the (liability-free) deals government made with vaccine producers…

In these two videos Dr. Sam Bailey summarises their work. You can download or read the original paper on her website.

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    “The COVID-19 crime against humanity requires the absence of this virus so there is no material reference against which the make-believe genome can be cross-checked, to establish, for instance, whether or not the purported SARS-CoV-2 proteins specifically stem from the alleged virus.”

Get jabbed or starve

In yet another example of “not forcing you, just taking everything away until you comply”… Canadians are now being told by their leaders that it’s ok to deprive other people of food.

No doubt some who have already taken the officially sanctioned gene therapy will offer to shop for the unjabbed. That might seem kind. But wouldn’t it have been kinder to stand in solidarity with the unjabbed before it came to this? Or at least NOW boycott those venues implementing the governments wishes?

Because, when you consider how government policy is to clearly to force injections on everyone, if there isn’t massive pushback and non-compliance NOW it won’t be long until helping the unjabbed will be deemed a criminal act.

How many currently offering to shop for the unjabbed will risk the government approved shaming, fines and prosecution?

Very few I would imagine.

18 reasons plus 17 more

In April 2021 Christian Elliot wrote “18 Reasons I Won’t Be Getting a Covid Vaccine“. In October he followed up with “17 More Reasons I Won’t Be Getting a Covid Vaccine

If someone HAS TO come up with 35 reasons why they don’t want a medical intervention, what does that tell you about the climate they’re living in?

If someone IS ABLE TO come up with 35 reasons why they won’t be taking a medical intervention, what does that tell you about that medical intervention?

If someone in favour of these ‘vaccines’ CAN’T REFUTE each of those 35 reasons, why should they be given any credibility or authority on the matter?

The fans too!

It’s not just the players, the fans too are collapsing. Not going to get much coverage though (heck, the collapse of the players themselves barely gets a mention).

“There are a number of these incidences at the moment, aren’t there? That is for sure”

Remember this from back in October? No? Hmmm… maybe it didn’t make it through your mainstream medias pro-vaccine filters?