Eh, no.
Even if you exclude all of the 82 other types of vaccine and just compare with the flu shot.
Continue reading Soaring VAERS reports are because there are so many COVID shots being given?Even if you exclude all of the 82 other types of vaccine and just compare with the flu shot.
Continue reading Soaring VAERS reports are because there are so many COVID shots being given?But remember, the vax is SAFE and effective… always. No matter how much anecdotal evidence like this accumulates.
Or what the Pfizer documents reveal. (Next tranche due for release April 1st).
WARNING: graphic content until 3:10
They cover it all. Vaccine damage. Censorship. Mass Formation. “Street smarts vs academic smarts”. Psyops. World Economic Forum. Harmonised media. Mandates. Coercion. Athletes suddenly dropping. Intentional misdirection by officials. 17,000 physicians and scientists calling out crimes against humanity. The Fauci emails. WHO’s second largest funder.1Medically unqualified Bill Gates. Masks causing IQ drops in children. Robert F Kennedy.
Continue reading The Red Line with Dr. Robert MaloneDr. Jessica Rose has cited a few instances based on what she’s finding in the released Pfizer safety documents. (I highly recommend subscribing to her Substack email list.)
Continue reading Ya gotta admire “The Science”If only the core topics weren’t so serious.
(If you’re not familiar, and wanna catch up, his first two life jacket videos are here).
There is an incredible push to have every person completely focused and absorbed with Ukraine and Russia. This comes at the same time Pfizer was ordered to release report with over 42,000 adverse reactions and 9 pages (over 1,200) different types of adverse reactions – documented from 01 Dec-2020 – 28 Feb 2021.
Dr. Ben Tapper, a small town chiropractor in Idaho, has been black labeled as a member of the “Disinformation Dozen” – apparently likely responsible for many COVID-19 deaths.
Using a powerful combination of logic, evidence, investigation and expert insight this movie dismantles and exposes the key aspects of the official narrative.
Watch it.
Share it.
Friday March 4th, Senator Doug Mastriano of Pennsylvania hosted an expert panel as part of a drive for medical freedom legislation for the State.
Watch the presentations and questions here.
Continue reading Expert Panel Discussion, Pennsylvania