Monkey Pox

Truth vs fearporn

Dr. Robert Malone breaks it down. Worth reading in full. But in case you don’t:

The monkeypox virus, which originates in various regions of Africa, is related to SmallPox (Variola), which are both members of the genus Orthopoxvirus. However, it is important to understand that Variola (major or minor) is the species of virus which is responsible for the worst human disease caused by the Orthopox viruses. For example, Cowpox, Horsepox, and Camelpox are also members of this genus, none of which are a major health threat to humans, and one of which (Cowpox) has even been (historically) used as a Smallpox vaccine. My point is that just because Monkeypox is related to Smallpox, this does not in any way mean that it represents a similar public health threat. Anyone who implies otherwise is basically engaged in or otherwise supporting weaponized public health-related propaganda. In other words, spreading public health fearporn.

Key takeaway: this is not influenza or COVID – this virus mutates slowly, it is not highly infectious, naturally acquired immunity is potent and long lasting, and Orthopox vaccines are usually cross protective. The risk of immunologic escape is very, very low. And the spread of this virus can be readily stopped by simple, inexpensive classical public health measures. If it were otherwise, we would already have experienced a pandemic of Monkeypox decades ago.

Dr. Robert Malone

COVID UPDATE: What is the truth?

Show this article to your narrative-believing friends.

Especially the ones who “say they are open-minded, but that they ONLY trust things in peer-reviewed medical journals.”1See Steve Kirsch on Substack for how to use this article to red-pill people.

Amazing to find such a thorough compilation published in a peer-reviewed medical journal.

So thorough that nearly every paragraph could be a highlight.

Here are just a few.

Continue reading COVID UPDATE: What is the truth?

The C.D.C. Isn’t Publishing Large Portions of the Covid Data It Collects

Dr. Paul Alexander reminds us of the New York Times piece from February.

The headline message might cause some to question the CDC’s integrity. Potentially helpful from a freedom lovers point of view.

However, the snippet he shared also implies better control of the virus could be achieved and more lives saved if we just had more info. Which is unfortunate. But also possibly deliberate on the part of the newspaper.

Continue reading The C.D.C. Isn’t Publishing Large Portions of the Covid Data It Collects

Young Hearts 16

Mainstream Media report 769 athletes collapse over the past year

But remember, the vax is SAFE and effective… always. No matter how much anecdotal evidence like this accumulates.

Extremely fit athletes, young people and children collapsing is just the new normal. Apparently.

Despite the damaging and completely failed injections against Covid, a lot of mandates still remain and the death program pushes ahead


Covid Coincidence

Coincidence theorists1Those who see coincidences as merely coincidences – and not evidence of entities conspiring or systemic corruption. will probably enjoy this one.

October 2021, The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons featured an article called Covid Coincidence. In it Marilyn Singleton MD, JD asks some serious rhetorical questions.2Here’s the same article on her own website.

  • 1
    Those who see coincidences as merely coincidences – and not evidence of entities conspiring or systemic corruption.
  • 2
    Here’s the same article on her own website.

The (real) Global Covid Summit

Declaration IV – Restore Scientific Integrity

A Joint Statement, representing 17,000 Physicians and Medical Scientists to end the National Emergency, Restore Scientific Integrity, and Address Crimes Against Humanity.

Continue reading The (real) Global Covid Summit