The C.D.C. Isn’t Publishing Large Portions of the Covid Data It Collects

Dr. Paul Alexander reminds us of the New York Times piece from February.

The headline message might cause some to question the CDC’s integrity. Potentially helpful from a freedom lovers point of view.

However, the snippet he shared also implies better control of the virus could be achieved and more lives saved if we just had more info. Which is unfortunate. But also possibly deliberate on the part of the newspaper.

  1. Thinking humans can control a virus is both hubristic and also largely why we allowed our collective selves be led into this mess. Put another way… if we hadn’t fallen for the ridiculous, ego-stroking idea we could control an airborne virus1See Ignoring The Obvious for three cases in point plus links to other sources. More black swans here., we would have laughed our public health officials off the stage on Day 1 and either fired them for incompetence or arrested them for malfeasance.
  2. The suggestion is made that more information would not just help with controlling the virus but would also save lives – by enabling us get injections to those at risk more effectively. “Oh, if only the CDC would stop holding back the info! Oh, if only we had better surveillance systems! We could then better deploy and deliver just-the-officially-approved-solutions2Like masks, tests, lockdowns, injections, contract tracing, Covid passes on phones and bracelets to permit us live in society…, ) and save more lives! Yay!”

Those using our psychological weaknesses3E.g. tendency to overestimate our capabilities; fear of pain and death; inability to admit mistakes. and strengths 4E.g. desire to save ourselves and others; collective / group bonding – especially in times of danger. to steer us into their totalitarian clutches must truly enjoy pieces like this.

Pieces that appear to undermine the official narrative but actually reinforce some of its key underlying tenets.

Pieces that encourage us to think the way they want us to think.

Pieces that nudge us to demand from our leaders what they would otherwise have to force on us!

  • 1
    See Ignoring The Obvious for three cases in point plus links to other sources. More black swans here.
  • 2
    Like masks, tests, lockdowns, injections, contract tracing, Covid passes on phones and bracelets to permit us live in society…
  • 3
    E.g. tendency to overestimate our capabilities; fear of pain and death; inability to admit mistakes.
  • 4
    E.g. desire to save ourselves and others; collective / group bonding – especially in times of danger.