If I had known this prior to being vaccinated in 2021 myself, there’s NO WAY I would have accepted this vaccine.
Dr. John Campbell
If I had known this prior to being vaccinated in 2021 myself, there’s NO WAY I would have accepted this vaccine.
Dr. John Campbell
… Disability claims are on the rise… “If it’s not the vaccine, what is it?” asks Ed Dowd…
Children’s Health Defense
Phinance Technologies Humanity Projects
Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP)
Standard Deviation Explained And Visualized
How To Calculate Standard Deviation
Catastrophic Contagion Stimulation Scenario
Mark Skidmore Study Retraction
COVID Data Tracker — Booster Percentages
Children’s Health Defense
Some Irish featured…
3:47 – Judy Fitzgerald
4:52 – Edward O’Sullivan
5:32 – Ray Stevenson (N. Irl.)
7:27 – Tiernan Grennan
8:58 – Caoimhín Mallon (N. Irl.)
10:35 – Rory Carlin (N. Irl.)
15:16 – Kaylee Black (N. Irl.)
Amputee Alex Mitchell and POTS1Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome – racing heart upon change of body posture sufferer John Watt both featured in “Safe & Effective: A Second Opinion“.
They spoke recently with Norman Fenton about life with their COVID-19 vaccine-injuries.
What is clear from the interview is that the Government and Pharma funded campaign to ensure that the main stream media silenced any news of vaccine injuries was extremely effective and ultimately deadly… Alex and John felt they were doing their duty in taking the vaccine and were unaware of any of the voices of those either warning of the dangers or discussing actual injuries. If they had heard these voices they would not have taken the vaccine. Alex’s devastating injuries from the AstraZeneca vaccine happened long before John took the Pfizer booster that caused his injuries. As [John] says, if he had heard about Alex’s experience in the Scottish press he would not have taken that booster. But Alex, and then John, were never given a platform to warn others.
Please help ensure as many people as possible hear the story of the injuries and their appalling experiences since.
Norman Fenton
This interview is also on Rumble and Bitchute.
Safe & Effective: A Second Opinion is subtitled in multiple languages on OracleFilms.com
According to information released as a result of a freedom of information request (because the public health authorities wouldn’t publish it otherwise)1, there has been an explosion of serious cardiac episodes in Australia since April 2021…
… disproportionally affecting young people, with emergency department presentations for 10 to 29 year olds almost doubling over the period March 2021 to Feb 2022…
Joel Smalley
Full article on Joel Smalley’s Substack.
Correlation doesn’t prove causation so we can all safely dismiss these issues as mere coincidences. They’re nothing to worry about.1Sarcasm.
“I wouldn’t want any other parent to go through what we’ve been through,” said Rachel Hatton, after her 17-year-old son was diagnosed with a heart condition days after receiving the COVID vaccine.”
… At least 18 teens and young adults in Connecticut have shown symptoms of heart problems after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, acting health commissioner Dr. Deirdre Gifford said Monday…
Hatton said her son started complaining of severe chest pain three days after his second dose. It worsened on the fourth day and led to back pain…
NBC Connecticut
2:25 – Kaylee Black, 13, Belfast
2:55 – Caoimhim Mollan, Lurgan
8:30 – Rory Carlin, Tyrone
Several other Irish names… but no location given, so can’t be sure.
Irish entries… Aodhán Gillen @ 5:30, Glenn Fullam @ 6:04, Conor Dolan @11:40
Co. Down bowler Daniel Donnan @ 9:56. Co. Armagh GAA player Tiarnan Fullerton @ 10:10.
“Mistakes Were Not Made“by Margaret Anna Alice, read by Dr. Tess Lawrie, from 11:40.