All-cause Death Numbers Show The Truth

Note: Rancourt’s work seems to confirm Jonathan Engler’s “Lombardy Analysis

… Dr. Reiner Fuellmich talks with scientist, social theorist, and researcher at the Ontario Civil Liberties Association and former professor of physics at the University of Ottawa Denis Rancourt…

… about the power of numbers, their creation and subsequent misuse throughout the so-called ‘Corona Pandemic’ to create fear and panic among the population. This was then used to order and implement an inhumane and unhealthy madness of measures that was subsequently responsible for an increase in disease and death rates. Based on valid data, it is clear that there were no significant increases in mortality rates in the spring of 2020, the day the global ‘pandemic’ was declared.

Denis Rancourt agrees that there would also have been no increase if governments had acted as they have in every past winter and flu season to date.

He cites the improper application of treatments in hospitals to so called ‘corona patients’ as the cause of an increase in illness and mortality rates, but also the severe adverse health consequences of the disproportionate measures taken to ultimately make people physically and psychologically ill or even, in quite a few cases, drive them to suicide.

With vivid visuals, he points out a massive and alarming explosion in excess mortality data from many countries only after mRNA injections began. He cites India and Israel as particularly affected, but also many other countries whose data he has analyzed and statistically processed…

Related: testimony to the National Citizen’s Inquiry (17th May) |

BBC: Psychologist’s death due to AstraZeneca Covid vaccine reaction – inquest

The death of a psychologist after his Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid-19 jab was due to “unintended complications of the vaccine”, an inquest has ruled.

Interestingly… when first published on April 19 the article was titled “Doctor’s death…“. By April 20 it was “Psychologist’s death…

Stephen Wright, an NHS employee in south-east London, died 10 days after his first dose in January 2021, senior coroner Andrew Harris found.

Dr Wright, 32, suffered a blood clot to the brain after receiving the vaccine.

His wife Charlotte has been trying to get the “natural causes” wording on her husband’s death certificate changed.

She is pursuing legal action against the pharmaceutical company, along with dozens of other people…

Dr Wright suffered from a combination of a brainstem infarction, bleed on the brain and “vaccine-induced thrombosis”, the inquest heard. His condition rapidly worsened, but the nature of the bleed meant he was unfit for surgery.

After the inquest, Mrs Wright, from Sevenoaks in Kent, said: “It was made clear that Stephen was [previously] fit and healthy and that his death was by vaccination of AstraZeneca. For us, it allows us to be able to continue our litigation against AstraZeneca. This is the written proof.”


Debroah Conrad, whistleblower

The Physician’s Assistant was fired by her hospital after exposing the deliberate under-reporting of Covid-19 vaccine injuries to VAERS1Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting Systemdespite medical providers being legally required to.

Speaking at The Summit For Truth & Wellness she placed her whistleblowing in the context of medical tyranny – and emphasised the need to build a parallel health care system, free of governmental and pharmaceutical influence.

Like the Americans For Healthcare Alternatives group are.

Her appearance on The Highwire

A case study in the dangers of our modern health care system?

Continue reading Debroah Conrad, whistleblower
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    Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System