Uninformed Consent, the documentary

Here is the full 2-hour 9-minute film 1Courtesy of Librti.com – a joint production partner along with Vaccine Choice Canada and Children’s Health Defense.

Short on time?

This 8-minute introduction includes a trailer.2President of Vaccine Choice Canada, Ted Kuntz introducing the movie to the WCH assembly of July 25th

Continue reading Uninformed Consent, the documentary

Support vaccine mandates?

“Look these people in the eyes and tell them…”

I strongly encourage you to watch this video and share it with everyone you know.

But you must be forewarned. The imagery is emotionally disturbing, so prepare yourself. However, we need to start looking at reality with eyes wide open…

The victims’ struggle, their pain, their deaths deserve to be acknowledged…

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Complicit in the coercion?

Continue reading Support vaccine mandates?

Young Canadian doctors dying

All shortly after the jab

Some in clusters.

But officials, experts and fact-checkers say they died from other causes, not the shots. So nothing to worry about.

What a relief!

Plus, anecdotes like these prove nothing.

A fair, logical point.

But if we apply that logic in the other direction…

Continue reading Young Canadian doctors dying

On Where Do Rebels Go?

Maajid Nawaz speaks to Vikki Spit – whose partner and bandmate’s death was found by the coroner to have been caused by the AstraZeneca vaccine. How she has been treated by authorities, media and the public since Zion died reveals the extent of our inhumanity.

Then from 58:35 he talks with Right Said Fred who have been challenging vaccine mandates openly. They explore why musicians aren’t rebelling anymore.

Pathologist Speaks Out About COVID Jab Effects

Video Transcript | Video link | Article as PDF1Generated by Mercola.com, July 17th

End of June Dr. Ryan Cole, an anatomic clinical pathologist with a subspecialty in skin pathology and postgraduate Ph.D. training in immunology, spoke with Dr. Joseph Mercola about the COVID injections effects and some possible remedies.2Their conversation was then embedded in a Mercola.com article entitled “Pathologist Speaks Out About COVID Jab Effects” on July 17. Given Mercola’s policy of removing content within 48hrs, I’m reproducing that text here, guided by his Citation Policy.

Continue reading Pathologist Speaks Out About COVID Jab Effects
  • 1
    Generated by Mercola.com, July 17th
  • 2
    Their conversation was then embedded in a Mercola.com article entitled “Pathologist Speaks Out About COVID Jab Effects” on July 17. Given Mercola’s policy of removing content within 48hrs, I’m reproducing that text here, guided by his Citation Policy.

Exposing the Fraud

Edward Dowd and Andrew Wakefield joined the Children’s Health Defense ‘Friday Roundtable’ on July 1st.

Also at the table were Polly Tummey, Elizabeth Mumper MD, Brian Hooker PhD, Meryl Naas MD and Aimee Villela NcBride.

this is a propaganda war… all about ‘the marginal mind’… there’s always a tipping point… in the next six months we hit it… I can’t imagine what starts happening when babies start dying. It’s gonna be horrendous.

You guys have been proven right. I mean, it’s, it’s, it’s unreal. I’m never taking another vaccine again in my whole life.

Edward Dowd
Continue reading Exposing the Fraud