Pete Parada on punk rock and being fired from The Offspring

Note: I’ve set the video to begin where he talks about being ousted from the band for not taking the experimental gene therapy. Scroll back to beginning if interested in his musical history. Also, this conversation happened shortly before the USA lifted the entry ban on unvaccinated non-citizens. Hence one of his remarks has become outdated.

The Offspring are one of my favourite bands of all time.

At least, they were.

By now, everybody knows that they unceremoniously fired their drummer, Pete Parada, for refusing the jab…

The Offspring, like many other (former) punk rock bands, no longer stick it to the man. Rather, they stick it in their arm … have opted to rage for the machine.

What happened to them?

Some truly punk rock musicians who’ve shown the finger to the establishment are Right Said FredZuby and Five Times August.

Pete, who drummed for The Offspring for nearly 15 years, joined me for a conversation in which he chatted about his background, musical influences, playing in various bands. his journey with The Offspring and being booted after taking a stand against the Covid™ “vaccination” nonsense

Jerm Warfare

He didn’t ‘give it all up for nothing’

“Rock And Roll Over” by Bob Moran (impostar Syndrum Studios) | Pete Parada on Twitter

The Battle to Ban the Jab

The First Domino Fell

Lee County, Florida: local Republican Party group passed resolution to ban the jab. Not a powerful group. But…

Last night on February 21 we had our first Republican Executive Committee (REC)meeting since the election. On the agenda was my Ban The Jab Resolution.  Resolutions are one of the most important things we can do as executive committee members. Resolutions put pressure on elected officials while at the same time providing cover for them to take action. Resolutions also motivate voters and give them a reason to support the REC financially and otherwise. They also reveal the frauds in the local party. Powerful resolutions give voters a reason to vote…

There were a few people repeating the false narrative that this issue was about freedom of choice and the right to buy a product. It was kind of like arguing that I have a right to buy coffee that I don’t know is poisoned…

Eventually, the vote came up and the two thirds vote required was smashed and it was a landslide victory on the resolution…

Does it matter?  

Well, the intention of this resolution was to call out every politician in the state of Florida to tell the truth about these bioweapons and take action. It appears that other REC’s across the state will be taking up this resolution or similar ones. This may be the beginning of a statewide revolt from the bottom up within the Republican Party of Florida and the beginnings of a campaign against the genocide. Hopefully, this will spread beyond Florida. In short, this may be the first domino to fall. At the very least there is an open discussion about whether these bioweapons should be on the market or not rather than being mandated.  

Dr. Joseph Sansone

Canada: The Dying Doctors

132 Canadian doctors have died suddenly or unexpectedly since COVID-19 vaccine rollout

Canadian physician mortality in 2022 was 53% higher than 2019, based on the largest database of its kind assembled diligently by our team (a total of 2250 doctor deaths documented, spanning the years 2019-2023). This data is solid.

I have sent a third letter to the Canadian Medical Association (“CMA”) about these sudden deaths. To date, CMA has refused to respond. CMA fully supported unscientific and unethical COVID-19 vaccine mandates that were forced on their own physician members. Now this Ottawa-based bureaucracy ignores the damage done.

Dr. William Makis

Read his letter on Substack (below pics of the deceased)

Children’s Health Defense defeats New York State healthcare workers COVID mandate

In a groundbreaking decision filed today, NY State (NYS) Supreme Court Judge Gerard Neri held that the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for healthcare workers is now “null, void, and of no effect.” The court held that the NYS Dept. of Health lacked the authority to impose such a mandate as this power is reserved to the state legislature. Furthermore, the court found that the mandate was “arbitrary and capricious” as COVID-19 vaccines do not stop transmission, vitiating any rational basis for a mandate.

Children’s Health Defense (CHD) financed this lawsuit on behalf of Medical Professionals for Informed Consent and several individual healthcare workers…

Children’s Health Defense, Jan 13

Children’s Health Defense | Defeat The Mandates

Interview And Update With The Doctors Who Are Suing British Columbia, Canada Health Authority (Bonnie Henry)

(Video issues? Try watching on Rumble or Bitchute)

Update on their lawsuit against Bonnie’s non-sensical “rules” for honest doctors that the rest of Canada is not doing (except Novia Scotia.) We also discuss the court system; the catastrophe of BC healthcare and the characters responsible for the mess; the corruption in BC healthcare; $ not going where it was meant to go in BC; the big lie that doctors are even available for the new “tele-medicine.” How Bonnie’s ego is causing even more doctor shortages and how her ego is k!lling BC. She would rather have people d1!e then get care from healthy doctors, based on an outdated non- effective worn out J.A.B.B from 2 year ago that no longer “works” to ward off anything. Karma seems to have come back to bite these careless corrupt individuals, by showing what a mess they have created for the tax paying community here.

Odessa Orlewicz

CSSEM billboard

Unvaxxed doctors ask for their jobs back on billboard in West Kelowna1Archive

Canadian Society for Science & Ethics in Medicine

Their Feb fundraiser |Donate | Bill 36 petition[F]Not dogital. MANUAL sig. required[/f]


From Sept 2021. But remains a poignant reminder.1Also on YouTube as “A lesson in courage and integrity | Dr. Julie Ponesse

Dr. Ponesse is now employed by The Democracy Fund.

On The Ethical Case Against Vaccine Mandates

Here she is, Feb 2022 (while the truckers Freedom Convoy was in Ottowa), discussing informed consent and ethics in more detail with Students Against Mandates.

Mentioned: Dr. Rochagne Kilian

Has Big Pharma Hijacked Evidence Based Medicine?

The double-jabbed, cardiologist and former TV pundit – whose father (also a cardiologist) died because of a COVID vaccine induced cardiac-death – has switched from countering vaccine hesitancy to warning about vaccine dangers.


  • wilfull blindness
  • public health is declining
  • overall, medical drug impact is negative
  • most research can’t be trusted
  • relative risk reduction is highlighted, absolute risk ignored1Good explanation of difference between Absolute and Relative Risk
  • ‘numbers needed to treat’ are ignored2Number of people one needs to treat to prevent one instance of an illness
  • consent is not fully informed
  • most doctors getting their info from media or pharma sources
  • papers are misreported
  • regulators are c 80% industry funded
  • serious events revealed by vaccine trials ignored
  • at least 1 in 800 are harmed
  • scientific fraud
  • raw research data not being released
  • we have been trusting the psychopath…
Watch on YouTube

What’s worse than ignorance? …

The illusion of knowledge.

Dr. Aseem Malhotra3…quoting Stephen Hawking

  • 1
    Good explanation of difference between Absolute and Relative Risk
  • 2
    Number of people one needs to treat to prevent one instance of an illness
  • 3
    …quoting Stephen Hawking

On Banning Cartoons with Political Satirist Bob Moran

Pharma Christmas

If a cartoonist can see issues so clearly… why can’t politicians, doctors, scientists, journalists etc?

And what about his insight is so frightening that Big Tech and woke culture want him silenced?

We speak to the former but now cancelled political cartoonist for national UK newspaper The Telegraph, Bob Moran who lost his job because he refused to stop drawing cartoons that were critical of Covid mandates.

Radical w/Maajid Nawaz |

On the Covid Tyranny in New Zealand

Five Kiwis on their awakening, experiences of and responses to the COVID crazy.

We speak to a coalition of New Zealander voices leading the growing minority of dissidents speaking up against their government’s Covid mandate tyranny. First, unvaccinated filmmaking couple Leonie May and Jared Connon join us. Then we speak to Kirsten Murfitt, Founding Solicitor NZLSOS lobbying to defend civil liberties in New Zealand, and Dr Matt Shelton who is a GP & Founder of NZLSOS.1Possible typo? Nawaz may have meant NZDSOS: New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science Finally we wrap up the conversation with Marama Fox, an indigenous Maori representative and former co-leader of the Maori party.

Maajid Nawaz

Kirsten Murfitt’s “Open Letter To Parliament” | Dr. Matt Shelton

The Solidarity Argument for Forced Mass Vaccination Turned Out to Be False

Per Shapiro writing at the Brownstone Institute

A Swedish take on the amnesty appeal

… when the vaccines were launched, it was known that they would not protect from the spread of infection. And yet, millions of people have taken the vaccine, mainly because of the heavy social pressure felt through the solidarity argument. Therefore, they have also risked dire side effects, while those responsible all of a sudden deny that this absolute argument never really was crucial…

Another vaccine passport advocate I contacted didn’t believe the message from Pfizer1See here for background was any cause for concern.

”I am sure that many wrong decisions were made during the pandemic, but now people carry on as usual. Maybe it’s time to move on?”

Again, I think of the American documentary on Vietnam. The last part is about the end of the war. President Jimmy Carter didn’t believe the United States owed neither compensation nor apologies since”the destruction was mutual.”

One could, of course, argue that the United States had lost 58,000 soldiers while they had killed around 5 million people, that the Vietnamese troops had never invaded the US, nor sprayed millions of tons of Agent Orange on the fields of California and Ohio, or drowned naked Americans in napalm, etc.

The closing message of the documentary is nevertheless that the ”war” had been devastating for both sides, and that it was time to turn the page and move on…

Imagine if the Holocaust had been depicted similarly. No Nuremberg trial, no Aftermath Agencies, no awareness campaigns, no guided tours to Auschwitz, no Remembrance Day on January 27th. Just a quiet word of advice to leave the tragedy behind and move on…

Per Shapiro