The Once Elusive Vaccine Debate Goes Mainstream

Key proponents of vaccines won’t debate with sceptics – tending to withdraw at the last minute.

They also seem unable to cite or defend the ‘settled science’ in courtrooms.

Could it be because…

No studies have ever compared the total health outcomes of the CDC’s vaccine schedule between vaccinated and unvaccinated groups. No system is in place or body of scientific investigation in the books to assess who may be more susceptible to adverse reactions to preempt injuries…

Jefferey Jaxen

Jaxen’s article on the issue will tell you more.

Connecticut: Mom Of Teen Son Speaks After He Suffers Heart Condition Days After COVID-19 Vaccine

Correlation doesn’t prove causation so we can all safely dismiss these issues as mere coincidences. They’re nothing to worry about.1Sarcasm.

“I wouldn’t want any other parent to go through what we’ve been through,” said Rachel Hatton, after her 17-year-old son was diagnosed with a heart condition days after receiving the COVID vaccine.”

At least 18 teens and young adults in Connecticut have shown symptoms of heart problems after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, acting health commissioner Dr. Deirdre Gifford said Monday…

Hatton said her son started complaining of severe chest pain three days after his second dose. It worsened on the fourth day and led to back pain…

NBC Connecticut
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May 22nd: We the People 50 Recall the Shots Initiative Testimony in Idaho, Washington County

Laura Demaray organised Janci Lindsay, PhD, Peter McCullough MD, Ryan Cole, MD, James Thorpe, MD and Sasha Latypova to testify in support of a proposed resolution to ban the shots under Idaho bioweapons prohibition laws.

[“We The People 50, Recall The Shots” is an initiative taking place at local level in the USA. A bottom up approach to ending the shots. You can keep an eye on it through Sasha Latypova’s Substack. Here’s her affidavit submission to the project.]

After 2.5 years working more than full time on trying to stop the government atrocity, I came to the realization that this is not going to be prosecuted at the federal level. The criminals do not investigate or prosecute themselves. There is a faint hope that at least some state level AGs1Attorneys General can step up, but it is quite faint at the moment. I believe we have to fight for every town and county. The good news it is not difficult to get a hearing at a county level. We have brought a team of experts to this meeting at a small county in Idaho. We plan to continue going to any commissioner meeting that will let us in the door, and there are many! Reach out if you can organize a hearing.

Sasha Latypova

The resolution is quite a read. Here’s a snippet:

Continue reading May 22nd: We the People 50 Recall the Shots Initiative Testimony in Idaho, Washington County
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    Attorneys General

Denis Rancourt expert testimony National Citizens Inquiry – Ottawa 17 May 2023

The multi-disciplinary scientific researcher presents an overview of his research findings in his testimony to the National Citizen’s Inquiry, Canada.

European viewers might find the heat map of Europe particularly interesting (start from 27:40 for context). Amazing how the virus respects borders.

1 on 1 with Michelle Leduc Catlin – Ottawa Day 1 (Odysee)| (Rumble)