Laura Demaray organised Janci Lindsay, PhD, Peter McCullough MD, Ryan Cole, MD, James Thorpe, MD and Sasha Latypova to testify in support of a proposed resolution to ban the shots under Idaho bioweapons prohibition laws.
[“We The People 50, Recall The Shots” is an initiative taking place at local level in the USA. A bottom up approach to ending the shots. You can keep an eye on it through Sasha Latypova’s Substack. Here’s her affidavit submission to the project.]
After 2.5 years working more than full time on trying to stop the government atrocity, I came to the realization that this is not going to be prosecuted at the federal level. The criminals do not investigate or prosecute themselves. There is a faint hope that at least some state level AGs1 can step up, but it is quite faint at the moment. I believe we have to fight for every town and county. The good news it is not difficult to get a hearing at a county level. We have brought a team of experts to this meeting at a small county in Idaho. We plan to continue going to any commissioner meeting that will let us in the door, and there are many! Reach out if you can organize a hearing.
Sasha Latypova
The resolution is quite a read. Here’s a snippet:
Continue reading May 22nd: We the People 50 Recall the Shots Initiative Testimony in Idaho, Washington County