John Rich, country music star, has started a bank!

Because… freedom.

Legendary country music superstar, John Rich, joins Del to discuss how speaking out against COVID-19 testing and vaccine mandates changed his career and how he managed to stay true to his convictions despite the overwhelming pressure to tow the line.

The Highwire

His song “Progress” shot to No. 1 in the iTunes charts in July 2022 after being released on Truth Social and Rumble.1According to the NY Post

The “I’m Offended” single was released last month.

Interestingly, while it touches on his activism on racism and trans issues, his Wikipedia entry does not yet mention his objections to US COVID-19 policies.2Alternative archive Wonder if that’ll change? |

Risk Assessment Summary for SARS CoV-2 Sublineage BA.2.86

What do you take from this August 23rd statement by the CDC?

Putting aside that this is an acknowledgement that the ‘vaccines’ are useless (so you’ll need a booster which we’ll license soon), doesn’t this amount to saying “pretty much everyone” ?

… BA.2.86 may be more capable of causing infection in people who have previously had COVID-19 or who have received COVID-19 vaccines…

CDC1Archived. Archived.

The same release also says:

  • existing expensive pharmaceuticals “appear to be effective” against it
  • “this updated vaccine will be effective at reducing severe disease and hospitalization” (nice bit of confident predicting there!)
  • and it is transmitting internationally because there are 9 cases across Denmark (3); South Africa (2); Israel (1); United States (2) and United Kingdom (1)..

Yes. 9 cases.

In the world.

The entire world.

Of c. 8,000,000,000 people.

But… in case you might be tempted to relax and not worry… they note reduced genome sequencing means “more variants may emerge and spread undetected for longer periods of time” … so they’ll keep an eye on everything and will update their assessment when they have more data.

Anything But Ordinary

by Monkeyboy, September 8, 2023

It was anything but ordinary,
Kids at home for January.
Don’t kill Grandma,
Air is scary,
Must leave her alone,

So the government can neutralise her.
Benzos, morphine. the devil’s Pfizer.
Every question met with lies
from the mouths of those who know,

Why this world lies upside down,
Broken, inside out,
And every last bit by design.
Now the wolves are circling.
They’ll try to roll us over,
But not if we don’t comply.

Globally coordinated
Murder sanctioned by the State.
The media encapsulates the scale of our decline.
Pushing poisoned Ideologies,
Corrupting kids’ psychology.
Deny basic biology and you ain’t no friend of mine.

It’s why this world lies upside down,
Broken, inside out,
And every last bit by design.
Now the wolves are circling.
They’ll try to roll us over,
But not if we don’t comply.

Now’s the time to put our differences aside and work as one.
For there’s much work to be done.

They show no signs of slowing down.
The wheels keep turning round and round.
They’d put you six feet underground to earn a fraction more.
Their aim is total subjugation.
Freedom based on medication.
The dissolution of the ‘nation’,
Sovereignty no more.

It’s why this world lies upside down,
Broken, inside out,
A crazy time to be alive.
Now the wolves are circling.
They’ll try to roll us over,
But not if we don’t comply.

Though the world lies upside down,
Broken, inside out,
We have one chance to make it right.
When the wolves make their play
And try to roll us over,
Everyone must not comply.


Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo on the Sad State of American Medicine

Joseph Ladapo, surgeon general of Florida, holds his MD from Harvard Medical School and his Ph.D. in health policy from Harvard’s Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. In 2019 he was entirely within the so-called mainstream of medicine, but the way Covid was handled opened his eyes to some grim truths about his field.

Tom Woods

Eurostat excess mortality updated to July, 2023

Ireland: 5th highest rate in EU

Apologies for the small text on the bar chart. But that’s how it exports from Eurostat.

Centre = average monthly death rate (so excess is 0%).
Left / Right = percentage below / above average.

Eurostat Interactive Tool

Use the interactive tool to select Ireland and compare it with the EU average. As you do I invite you to ponder a question: why aren’t Irish excess deaths coming down in the Summer like they’re supposed to?

Patrick E Walsh goes into more detail on the July figures from Eurostat.

Ireland’s Excess Deaths – on American radio

Sept 10th, Robert Morningstar and Seán Ó’Nualláin co-hosted a conversation with Patrick E. Walsh covering excess deaths in Ireland and more.

Some of the websites mentioned:

I’ve edited out some breaks and ended the recording when the host moves on to the Maui fire. If you want to hear the full 2-hour original you can find it in the Revolution Radio Archives1Once logged in to the archive go to

Preprint: Forensic Analysis of the 38 Subject Deaths in the 6-Month Interim Report of the Pfizer/BioNTech BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine Clinical Trial

For those still inclined to Trust The ScienceTM

… found no significant difference between the number of deaths in the vaccinated versus placebo arms for the first 20 weeks of the trial, the placebo-controlled portion of the trial. After Week 20, as subjects in the Placebo were unblinded and vaccinated, deaths among this still unvaccinated cohort of this group slowed and eventually plateaued. Deaths in the BNT162b2 vaccinated subjects continued at the same rate. Our analysis revealed inconsistencies between the subject data listed in the 6-Month Interim Report and publications authored by Pfizer/BioNTech trial site administrators. Most importantly, we found evidence of an over 3.7-fold increase in number of deaths due to cardiovascular events in BNT162b2 vaccinated subjects compared to Placebo controls. This significant adverse event signal was not reported by Pfizer/BioNTech…

Of the 38 deaths reported in the 6-Month Interim Report… 14 subjects died from a cardiovascular event, over one-third of all deaths (36.8%). Of these 14, 11 were from the BNT162b2 vaccinated trial arm and 3 from the Placebo only trial arm. This represents a 3.7-fold increase in cardiovascular events in subjects who received the BNT162b2 vaccine. Thomas et al. [7] and Pfizer/BioNTech’s Summary Clinical Safety [11] do not identify or remark on this clear serious adverse event signal…

Michels, C.; Perrier, D.; Kunadhasan, J.; Clark, E.; Gehrett, J.; Gehrett, B.; Kwiatek, K.; Adams, S.; Chandler, R.; Stagno, L.; Damian, T.; Delph, E.; Flowers, C. Forensic Analysis of the 38 Subject Deaths in the 6-Month Interim Report of the Pfizer/BioNTech BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine Clinical Trial. Preprints 2023, 2023090131.

Oh, and once the trial was unblinded, one participant had a Moderna injection after Pfizer Doses 1 and 2. His death a few weeks later was reported as an unvaccinated Placebo Death!

Continue reading Preprint: Forensic Analysis of the 38 Subject Deaths in the 6-Month Interim Report of the Pfizer/BioNTech BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine Clinical Trial

“… to a trusted campaigning friend, who is struggling to accept that what is happening is intentional.”

Pasted from the Robin Monotti + Dr Mike Yeadon + Cory Morningstar Telegram channel: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

A message written to a trusted campaigning friend, who is struggling to accept that what is happening is intentional. It is indeed a big step to move from justifiable criticism of presumed incompetent politicians and industrialists to putting the pieces together in such a way that they can point only to intentionality. See what you think.

Best wishes

Dear X,

I find that attempting to put all the information together in such a way as to allow for the whole even to be benign or at least not wholly malevolent is impossible.
That’s because, as you’ve no doubt heard me say, I believe it is malevolent!

I too struggled early on, arguing “surely they must have known this!?” Etc.
Once I allowed for the possibility that all the bad things were intentional, I find all the rest falls into place. Obviously that alone doesn’t prove that it was intentional.
Some early clues to intentionality are the coordinated responses of scores of governments to the alleged pandemic: lockdowns, masking, mass testing of the well, the misapplication of PCR-based techniques to bulk testing of clinical samples, selective business & school closures, border restrictions etc. Not a single country had any of this as a core part of their own pandemic preparedness plan.

Continue reading “… to a trusted campaigning friend, who is struggling to accept that what is happening is intentional.”

“It’s either I take it, or I die… That’s what they told me.”

Despite having had COVID-19 twice and evidence of antibodies, Canadian Sheila Lewis was denied life-saving transplant surgery unless she took a COVID injection.

She initiated legal proceedings. But lost.

Needing 25 litres of oxygen per minute just to stay alive, she testified to the National Citizen’s Inquiry on May 17th:

“If you laugh, you lose your oxygen… if you cry, you lose your oxygen… if you move, you lose your oxygen… So you have to be devoid of emotion of any kind. Because you’re scared to lose that oxygen”

Sheila died last week.

What ambulances show us

Here are four authors presenting ambulance call out data which show (yet again) that the official COVID narrative is flawed.

1. Oisín Page – about Dublin

Dublin City Council ambulance datasets show:

  • 2020 was a quiet year, despite a ‘deadly’ virus rampaging amongst us. You may remember the media announcing death tolls for months on end that year. With that much death attributed to COVID-19 why do the Dublin ambulance statistics show less call outs during that time instead of more?
  • things seem to be worsening since Quarter 2, 2021. Particularly striking for me is the change in seasonal patterns – with Summer and Autumn Call Outs reaching Winter levels.

The graph above shows the total Call Outs, per month, for all categories of “Criticality” combined:

  • (A) Alpha = Non serious or life threatening
  • (B) Bravo = Serious not life threatening urgent
  • (C) Charlie = Serious not life threatening immediate
  • (D) Delta = Life threatening other than cardiac or respiratory arrest
  • (E) Echo = Life threatening Cardiac or respiratory arrest
  • (O) Omega = Minor illness or injury
  • Null / Not Classed

I won’t flood you here with graphs for each of those categories – especially as the changes in most are not all that remarkable.1If curious, you can explore them in my spreadsheet (.ODS, 60MB). But one category stands out:

From Autumn 2021 onward “Life-threatening Cardiac or respiratory” Call Outs are generally above normal seasonal levels… and the jump up for December 2022 is remarkable.

Oisín: the Aug-Sept 2016 jump may be due to reclassification of type D call outs which show an unusual drop at that time. That, plus other oddities in the pre-2016 datasets, suggest those older datasets are less reliable. So they were discounted.

What happens in January 2023?

The datasets I found contained 2 or 3 years in each document. If Dublin City Council keep that publishing pattern, we may have to wait until 2025 to find out what happened in 2023 and 2024.

My spreadsheet (.ODS, 60MB) | Dublin City Council ambulance datasets

2. Patrick E. Walsh – about Ireland

The ‘Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Register’ (OHCAR) reports annually to the National Ambulance Service of Ireland on cardiac incidents measured as per their annual report…

The highlights are as follows:

  • 2021 EMS Cardio Incidents are 21.2% up on 2020
  • 2021 EMS Cardio Incidents are 13.3% up on 2019
  • The rate per 100k population has increased accordingly
  • Interestingly, the median age in 2021 has fallen to 67 after 4 years at 68…
Patrick E. Walsh

Full article here.

3. Byram Bridle – about Alberta

If COVID-19 Was so Horrific and the ‘Vaccines’ Were so Effective, This Should Show Up in Emergency Medical Services Data, Shouldn’t It?

I drew red lines over the years 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 to indicate the mean call volume for each. I only focused on emergency calls (the black bars) since they are the ones that people are most concerned about. Once again, the call volume for emergency medical services dropped in 2020 and then increased in 2021-2022. This is further evidence that contradicts the idea that paramedics were busier than ever in 2020, but then relieved of the excessive workload once most people were coerced into getting COVID-19 shots.

Dr. Byram Bridle

Full article here. Also articles here and here.

4. Jessica Hockett – about New York

… Contrary to the impression given to the public, emergency department visits dropped by as much as 60% in this period (Figure 4); ambulance arrivals to hospitals decreased by 29% (Figure 5)…

… 5,300 additional deaths occurring at home … are corroborated by a 285% increase in patients pronounced dead at the point of ambulance dispatch pickup (Figure 7). Most of this increase was heart-related deaths– an inevitable consequence of telling people to stay away from hospitals for anything that wasn’t potentially a severe symptom of Covid.

Full article here. See also her discussion with JJ Couey and presentation to PANDA.