The Stealth War
- @ 6:45 Alan Walsh, 26yrs, Limerick
Dr Jonathan Engler is qualified in both medicine and law. During a varied career he has worked as a doctor, medical adviser within the pharmaceutical industry, entrepreneur and barrister. He has 4 adult children and 2 grandsons, and lives near Manchester in the North of England.
Jonathan co-chairs the Hart Group with Dr Clair Craig and is on the exec of Panda, for both of which he regularly writes and reviews articles.
In this conversation, Jonathan dismantles both the official Covid and mRNA “vaccine” narratives.
Doc Malik
Other links: Pandata | Jonathan Engler, Twitter
What do you take from this August 23rd statement by the CDC?
Putting aside that this is an acknowledgement that the ‘vaccines’ are useless (so you’ll need a booster which we’ll license soon), doesn’t this amount to saying “pretty much everyone” ?
… BA.2.86 may be more capable of causing infection in people who have previously had COVID-19 or who have received COVID-19 vaccines…
CDC1Archived. Archived.
The same release also says:
Yes. 9 cases.
In the world.
The entire world.
Of c. 8,000,000,000 people.
But… in case you might be tempted to relax and not worry… they note reduced genome sequencing means “more variants may emerge and spread undetected for longer periods of time” … so they’ll keep an eye on everything and will update their assessment when they have more data.
This latest ‘Young Hearts’ video by checkur6 features extracts from Ed Dowd’s interview with Children’s Health Defense which you can watch in full here.
Several Irish entries, some of which have featured in previous Young Hearts videos.
Suspended due to blood clotting concerns across Europe in March 2021, AstraZeneca was eventually targetted at the young in Ireland with the help of a famous influencer. But at what cost?
Aisling O’Loughlin
Full article here.
If I had known this prior to being vaccinated in 2021 myself, there’s NO WAY I would have accepted this vaccine.
Dr. John Campbell