Excess mortality increased slightly in October 2022

‘Slightly’ sounds innocent. Until you understand the context: it was already well above normal.

Excess mortality in the EU increased slightly in October 2022, after dropping in August and September. This followed a peak of +17% in July, which is the highest value to date in 2022 and unusually high for the month of July. Excess mortality in October 2022 was +10% of the average number of deaths for the same period in 2016-2019, and is +0.5% compared with September 2022.

Eurostat1Archive. Archive,

Red line is my addition. To highlight “0” (average excess deaths 2016-2019).


Ireland’s went up too


A little more context is revealing.

those Eurostat graphs show just ‘the pandemic years’ of 2020-2022.

EuroMOMO shows 2019 and 2018 as well.

Extra context which makes some things very obvious.

EuroMOMO Bulletin, Week 50, 2022
  • pre-pandemic, excess deaths in summers returned close to ‘normal range’
  • summer 2020 (pre-vaccine) mimicked those of 2019 and 2018 despite the dreaded ‘novel virus’ supposedly ravaging the world
  • since late 2020, when the miracle injections arrived to save us, excess deaths have rarely returned to normal ranges
  • summer 2022 excess deaths approximate winter 2018/19 (WTF?!)
  • the area under the curves2People tend to focus on the peaks. But the area under the peak is key. Because the volume, the amount of space enclosed by a curve is key. is much larger than before the injections arrival

  • 1
  • 2
    People tend to focus on the peaks. But the area under the peak is key. Because the volume, the amount of space enclosed by a curve is key.

Young Hearts 27

Excess Deaths – The Elephant In The Room

(Ireland, Rachel O’Connor @ 9:05)

The information is slowly coming to the surface as serious questions are finally being asked in Parliament. But only after 12 billion doses have been administered worldwide, and excess deaths continue climbing at an alarming rate.


Excess Deaths – Europe

9% above normal in September.1Archive. Archive. A welcome drop from August’s 13%

See also Euromomo.eu

Australia: all-cause deaths up 17.1%

Official Australian stats1Archive versions of that page here and here. show 17.1% more deaths than expected in 2021-2022. Here’s their main graph – to which I’ve added southern hemisphere seasons.

Initially the ‘with and without Covid’ approach distracted from the key metric: all-cause deaths (red line).

But, once focused I began comparing the red line to the baseline range (light blue zone)… and recalled something my statistics lecturer in university said: the height of the curve is not as important as the total area under it.

So I found myself wondering:

  • why did deaths in this particular Australian summer so greatly exceed
    1. the normal summer range and
    2. also that of the previous winter?2The chart’s language and design suggests these summer deaths are Covid related. But since when did respiratory viruses do more harm in summer than winter?!
  • why are deaths this current winter so much higher than in the previous, less-vaccinated winter?!
  • why are Australian all-cause deaths trending upwards and not returning to normal seasonal ranges – just like we see in:
    1. Rancourt’s USA findings
    2. Engler’s Lombardy analysis3see the final chart I included
    3. Euromomo
    4. Eurostat (I’ve highlighted baseline “0” in their graph)

Who could have seen this coming?

Stats people like Joel Smalley as it happens. In May he posted:

Australia begins to reap what it has sown. It’s grim.

Dr. John Campbell went in to more detail about Australia.

Thanks to checkur6 for highlighting these stats at the end of the latest Young Hearts vid.

  • 1
    Archive versions of that page here and here.
  • 2
    The chart’s language and design suggests these summer deaths are Covid related. But since when did respiratory viruses do more harm in summer than winter?!
  • 3
    see the final chart I included

Death in Europe, All Ages and Children – 2017 to 2022

I don’t know about other data analysts, but with three children of my own under the age of 14, I can’t help but cry when I do these analyses.

Joel Smalley
Weekly Average Excess Deaths, 0 to 14 Year Olds, Europe – source: EuroMOMO (euromomo.eu) 2022

Literally counting the deaths, he asks…

Continue reading Death in Europe, All Ages and Children – 2017 to 2022