Ed Dowd: ‘They Can’t Run From This Data’

… Disability claims are on the rise… “If it’s not the vaccine, what is it?” asks Ed Dowd…

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In Surprise Reversal, NIH To Hand Over Communications Between Agency And People Injured By COVID Shots

Yuri Nunes, Ph.D.

Standard Deviation Explained And Visualized

How To Calculate Standard Deviation

Catastrophic Contagion Stimulation Scenario


Mark Skidmore Study Retraction

COVID Data Tracker — Booster Percentages

Children’s Health Defense

Connecticut: Mom Of Teen Son Speaks After He Suffers Heart Condition Days After COVID-19 Vaccine

Correlation doesn’t prove causation so we can all safely dismiss these issues as mere coincidences. They’re nothing to worry about.1Sarcasm.

“I wouldn’t want any other parent to go through what we’ve been through,” said Rachel Hatton, after her 17-year-old son was diagnosed with a heart condition days after receiving the COVID vaccine.”

At least 18 teens and young adults in Connecticut have shown symptoms of heart problems after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, acting health commissioner Dr. Deirdre Gifford said Monday…

Hatton said her son started complaining of severe chest pain three days after his second dose. It worsened on the fourth day and led to back pain…

NBC Connecticut
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Reverse Engineering Propaganda

In case you weren’t paranoid enough…

In this interview, Michelle Stiles reviews some of the basic tools of propaganda, which is the topic of her book, “One Idea to Rule Them All: Reverse Engineering American Propaganda.” It’s a pertinent and apt topic in light of what’s been going on over the last few years, as we attempt to understand how we’ve been manipulated and brainwashed.

We fight against a truly unprecedented disinformation campaign, where the liars are claiming that everyone else is giving out misinformation, basically turning truth on its head.

While propaganda takes many forms, mainstream media play a crucial role. The good news is that people are starting to catch on, and trust in mainstream media has dropped to an all-time low.

By the early 1900s — literally a century ago — journalists like Upton Sinclair and George Seldes were discussing the corruption of the media, how they were owned by big business with a profit agenda, and how they were not dealing squarely with investigative reporters.

For propaganda to be effective, there needs to be central coordination of narratives, and that’s where public relations agencies come in. Few appreciate the power that these companies have. Two-thirds to 80% of the content broadcast and published by corporate media comes from public relations firms, so most of the so-called “news” is actually brainwashing propaganda.

Other common PR tools include “public protests,” which are actually made up of people hired by the PR company, and media will of course be sent there to cover it, and front groups, which are paid by industry to promote a particular view that benefits that industry.

Dr. Joseph Mercola

SmartSheepe.com | video transcript (PDF) | Mercola article (PDF)

Snooker player Scott Donaldson forced out of World Championship qualifier due to health issue

Scott Donaldson was forced to withdraw from his World Championship qualification match with Ryan Day on Wednesday, suffering from a tremor which ended his hopes of competing.

Day was 4-0 ahead at the first interval, making a superb 146 break in the opening frame, but that is where the match ended as Donaldson conceded.

The Scot spoke last year of a tremor he had been suffering since taking the Covid vaccine, although it had cleared up by the 2022 World Championship.

However, it has returned, with shakes in his leg proving unbearable to play through.

After the unusual method of victory, Day explained: ‘Scott pulled me to one side after the fourth frame as we walked backstage. I feel really sorry for what’s happened.

‘I think he’s mentioned a tremor in his leg that’s coincided with the vaccine.

‘I started really well, made a 146, the third frame I noticed Scott get back up off the shot a couple of times. I thought he may have had an injury to his knee or ankle, but he explained it as this tremor that had disappeared for five months, but the pressure of the last match on Monday brought it back on and today it was there pretty much the entirety of the time we were playing….


Snooker player Ben Woollaston – two years of illness

‘most days just feel like survival’

The world number 53 says the problem dates back to May 2021 and the day he took his first Covid vaccine. He passed out shortly after the jab and has not felt the same since.

While he says doctors have disagreed on the vaccine being the cause of the problem, he sees it as the obvious point of when he started struggling.

‘The first six months were horrendous, I was just at home, sleeping 18-20 hours a day,’ Woollaston told Metro.co.uk. ‘I couldn’t stand on my feet for more than a few minutes without feeling like I was going to pass out…


Two high school students just died of aneurysms…

… and many more young people are getting them and dying recently – well known COVID-19 mRNA vaccine injury

Dr. William Makis highlights a few cases – and writes:

An aneurysm is an abnormal swelling or bulge in the wall of a blood vessel, such as an artery. It begins as a weak spot in the blood vessel wall, which balloons out of shape over time by the force of the pumping blood…

Aneurysms can be potentially fatal if they rupture. Death can occur within minutes...

The COVID-19 vaccine spike protein, when expressed in blood vessel walls, causes inflammation which damages the wall, leading to the formation of an aneurysm.

There are many cases of ruptured aneurysm following Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccination in the US VAERS database, some of them fatal (click here)

One Japanese study looked at 3 cases of brain aneurysms that developed after Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccination. All 3 were women. (click here)

Aneurysms are a very serious, and not-so-rare risk with COVID-19 mRNA vaccines that should be disclosed by doctors as part of the informed consent process.

Dr. William Makis

Young Hearts 33

Never Forget

Death of Ireland international rugby player and women’s coach Tom Tierney @ 10:10 1RIP.ie

Brain haemorrhage of Ireland scrum-half Kathryn Dane @ 13:00

Young Mayo woman Serena Carney dies in New York @ 15:30 2RIP.ie … just over two weeks after her father Sean3RIP.ie

Feature on “Crisis actors and pretenders” from 18:15 on is educational.