One year on. Yet another black swan.

How many black swans are needed to destroy a hypothesis?

If you are actually scientific, just one.

Ivor Cummins explains this in five minutes during a recent talk with Irish nurses:

However if you are a believer in Covid-19 public health policies, no amount of black swans will convince you.

So, neither the recent outbreak amongst fully jabbed and tested Antarctic researchers nor the isolated ship crew, antarctic explorers or military personnel I wrote about last year will matter to you.

You will just ignore, deny or dismiss them and carry on believing the official story.

Only you know why you are doing that.

My guess is that it’s because, deep down in your core, you know acknowledging the black swans means acknowledging the official public health story is deliberately deceptive – and that you fell for it.1For some reason that I don’t understand, admitting they were deceived (other than by magicians or performers) seems nearly impossible for most people

Plus, along with that admission comes something far, far worse. The realisation that if the globally coordinated official story and government actions are deliberately deceptive it can only be for malicious intent.

Acknowledging such evil intent is not only terrifying but also leaves you with a very uncomfortable moral problem: what are you going to do about it?

No wonder you’d prefer to ignore black swans.

But here’s another one anyhow.

This time it’s an isolated Pacific island.

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    For some reason that I don’t understand, admitting they were deceived (other than by magicians or performers) seems nearly impossible for most people

Ignore Sweden then and California now

Mainstream media and ‘experts’ predicted disaster for Sweden because it wasn’t doing the right things. They then ignored Sweden when it fared better than places which did precisely those things.

Conversely, they praised California for doing the right things – only to ignore it (and other inconveniences) when the right results didn’t emerge.

Almost as if truth doesn’t matter, but a certain narrative does.

If you haven’t time to read Miller’s pieces on Sweden1Somewhat dated from Sept 2021, but aging well and California, just look at the charts in each. They highlight the insanity of The ScienceTM we are meant to follow into the new normal.

California’s Failure Should End COVID Mandates… but it won’t

Ian Miller

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    Somewhat dated from Sept 2021, but aging well

If a tested and vaccinated group of scientists in Antarctica experience a Covid outbreak 7 days after arriving…

… and “they and others who tested positive were placed in quarantine but the virus continued to circulate“…

… what does that tell you about Covid testing, contact tracing, isolation and ‘vaccines’?

Real Science: “We thought testing would help us manage outbreaks. We thought minimising interaction and isolating close contacts would help slow the spread. We thought vaccines would stop the spread. So we would have reasonably expected that with ALL OF THEM COMBINED an outbreak would have been nearly impossible. Especially when everyone was tested before arriving on the base. But this ‘black swan’1I wrote about ‘black swans’ almost a year ago. Little did I know public health experts, Governments and media would still be ignoring them. event points to the need to face the reality that these interventions just don’t work for airborne viruses.”

Covidian Science: “Maybe the never-failed-us-until-now tests weren’t done properly? Maybe two negative ‘cases’ stood too close together and their negatives combined to create a positive, like in mathematics ?2That’s actually nonsense. But hey, I am after all trying to highlight that Covid Science is nonsensical! Maybe the scientists weren’t vaccinated enough? Maybe it was because they were so remote they got sloppy and didn’t isolate hard enough? Oh no, wait – I’ve got it! The article said nothing about masks. So clearly they weren’t masking! That’s it. The evidence is clear. Improper masking was behind the outbreak!”

Which kind of science do you follow?

Read the short news piece for yourself and decide.

In case someone realizes this story undermines ‘the narrative’ or creates ‘vaccine hesitancy’ and so takes it down, here’s a January 1st Wayback Machine version for posterity.

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    I wrote about ‘black swans’ almost a year ago. Little did I know public health experts, Governments and media would still be ignoring them.
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    That’s actually nonsense. But hey, I am after all trying to highlight that Covid Science is nonsensical!

Nurses protest overcrowding and staff levels…

… in 2014!

Because overcrowding and staffing issues were happening before Covid.

What if the Irish Government were now spending as much on hospitals and staffing as they are on Covid interventions?

What if the billions currently being spent on…

  • stay-quiet-at-home-payments (PUPs)
  • track-and-trace systems
  • advertising
  • PPE
  • experimental gene therapies (aka ‘vaccines’)

… were redirected into bolstering our the sickness health system and supplying known safe and effective interventions1like Vitamin D, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquin, fluvoxamine or other protocols?

Would we still have to sacrifice human and civil rights, mental health, physical health, education, work, religion and more to protect our sickness health system?

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    like Vitamin D, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquin, fluvoxamine or other protocols

Jabbed, but blaming the vaccine-free for your illness?

Then that means YOU are the ‘anti-vaxxer’… because it shows you don’t believe the vaccine works!

Lets flip this Anti-vaxxer status thing!
If you have been tripple juiced and Still think the unvaxxed will make you sick, you are an anti-vaxxer. You don’t believe the vaccine works!

@SWMarelise on twitter1Wayback Machine link in case twitter remove the post.r

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    Wayback Machine link in case twitter remove the post.

Quite A Job On Their Hands

The government have quite a job on their hands. They need to convince the unvaxxed that the vaxx works while at the same time convincing the vaxxed that they need boosters 😜

Right Said Fred

Or to put it another way…

The government has a difficult task, simultaneously: Convince the unjected that the injection works so they get the shot and Convince the injected that the injection doesn’t work so they get the booster shots.