Two high school students just died of aneurysms…

… and many more young people are getting them and dying recently – well known COVID-19 mRNA vaccine injury

Dr. William Makis highlights a few cases – and writes:

An aneurysm is an abnormal swelling or bulge in the wall of a blood vessel, such as an artery. It begins as a weak spot in the blood vessel wall, which balloons out of shape over time by the force of the pumping blood…

Aneurysms can be potentially fatal if they rupture. Death can occur within minutes...

The COVID-19 vaccine spike protein, when expressed in blood vessel walls, causes inflammation which damages the wall, leading to the formation of an aneurysm.

There are many cases of ruptured aneurysm following Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccination in the US VAERS database, some of them fatal (click here)

One Japanese study looked at 3 cases of brain aneurysms that developed after Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccination. All 3 were women. (click here)

Aneurysms are a very serious, and not-so-rare risk with COVID-19 mRNA vaccines that should be disclosed by doctors as part of the informed consent process.

Dr. William Makis

Young Hearts 33

Never Forget

Death of Ireland international rugby player and women’s coach Tom Tierney @ 10:10

Brain haemorrhage of Ireland scrum-half Kathryn Dane @ 13:00

Young Mayo woman Serena Carney dies in New York @ 15:30 … just over two weeks after her father

Feature on “Crisis actors and pretenders” from 18:15 on is educational.

Canada: The Dying Doctors

132 Canadian doctors have died suddenly or unexpectedly since COVID-19 vaccine rollout

Canadian physician mortality in 2022 was 53% higher than 2019, based on the largest database of its kind assembled diligently by our team (a total of 2250 doctor deaths documented, spanning the years 2019-2023). This data is solid.

I have sent a third letter to the Canadian Medical Association (“CMA”) about these sudden deaths. To date, CMA has refused to respond. CMA fully supported unscientific and unethical COVID-19 vaccine mandates that were forced on their own physician members. Now this Ottawa-based bureaucracy ignores the damage done.

Dr. William Makis

Read his letter on Substack (below pics of the deceased)

Stop The Shots case in limbo

Jan 12 update: the urgent court case being taken in South Africa by the Stop The Shots group 1Dr. Faan Oosthuizen, Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, Riekie Erasmus, Dr. EV Rapiti, Fahrie Hassan, Adv. Sabelo Sibanda, John Taylor … which I’ve previously posted about should have started on Tuesday.

But it is now in legal limbo.

Also seems the group were threatened with costs if they don’t withdraw the case.

See Shabnam Palesa Mohamed’s update.

Why did they launch an urgent court case?


… foetal exposure during pregnancy… if it’s not authorised for babies, how can pregnant mothers be taking it? It doesn’t make any sense.

Shabnam Palesa Mohamed (at 29:24, next video)

More details, Dec 22:

Dr. Rose’s slides can be found on her Substack. Other references provided by Children’s Health Defense:

Continue reading Stop The Shots case in limbo
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    Dr. Faan Oosthuizen, Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, Riekie Erasmus, Dr. EV Rapiti, Fahrie Hassan, Adv. Sabelo Sibanda, John Taylor … which I’ve previously posted about

The OpenVAERS Story – with Liz Willner and Jessica Rose

You take publicly-available, official data from the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS)… and present them in a user-friendly format:… you get smeared…

… and then relocate your family for safety.

An educational conversation


Josh Guetzkowon on CDC safety signals1See also Professor Norman Fenton | |

v-safe data

SPARS Pandemic Exercise |