But don’t worry. They are NOT in any way related to the vaccine.
The investigator(s) said so. Consistently.
In report after report.
Continue reading More Deaths, Injuries Revealed in Latest Pfizer Vaccine Trial Document DumpThe investigator(s) said so. Consistently.
In report after report.
Continue reading More Deaths, Injuries Revealed in Latest Pfizer Vaccine Trial Document DumpThe denial is strong. People are waking up slowly, but reality is too painful for many to face.
Irish viewers, take note of the entries at 9:50, 10:05, 12:43 and 13:00.
Also at the table were Polly Tummey, Elizabeth Mumper MD, Brian Hooker PhD, Meryl Naas MD and Aimee Villela NcBride.
Continue reading Exposing the Fraudthis is a propaganda war… all about ‘the marginal mind’… there’s always a tipping point… in the next six months we hit it… I can’t imagine what starts happening when babies start dying. It’s gonna be horrendous.
You guys have been proven right. I mean, it’s, it’s, it’s unreal. I’m never taking another vaccine again in my whole life.
Edward Dowd
Based on his work experience, English undertaker John O’Looney has no doubt.
He doesn’t mince his words.
The International Olympic Committee in Lausanne, Switzerland, studied documents from international data banks from 1966 to 2004. Those documents indicate 1,101 sudden deaths in athletes under 35 years of age, an average of 29 athletes per year, the sports with the highest incidence being soccer and basketball. (NIH Document)
A study by Maron on sudden death in US athletes, from 1980 to 2006 in thirty-eight sports identified 1,866 deaths of athletes with cardiac disease, with a prevalence of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
2005 to 2006 averaged sixty-six (66) deaths per year, with 82% of those occurring during competition or training.
According to Mattias Desmet mass formation affects those caught up in it in quite specific ways.
One is their becoming ‘radically blind‘ to the harms happening to themselves and those they love – even if themselves contributing to those harms.
There are many powerful institutions and stake holders with a huge interest in us not knowing what the side effects of covid vaccines are. They also rely on the jabbed not wanting to face reality. The mental anguish is too much for many of them to face.
That’s why empathy and compassion are key. With them we can help people through the cognitive dissonance and the shock and grief that will come once they are conscious of what is happening.
The title given this compilation by its creator1checkur6 might cause confusion – as not everyone featured died. But the point remains: the killing is continuing.
Killing? No! Just random deaths, surely?
Continue reading Young Hearts 17Extremely fit athletes, young people and children collapsing is just the new normal. Apparently.
Despite the damaging and completely failed injections against Covid, a lot of mandates still remain and the death program pushes ahead
But remember, the vax is SAFE and effective… always. No matter how much anecdotal evidence like this accumulates.
Or what the Pfizer documents reveal. (Next tranche due for release April 1st).
WARNING: graphic content until 3:10