Why haven’t you…?

People rarely ask questions with a genuine desire to understand. Instead they are often looking for reassurance about their own views, an opportunity to vent, to catch you out, start an argument, etc.

In such cases your answer is supposed to be brief – so they can quickly move in their anticipated direction. This seems especially the case around Covid injections.

Giving more than one reason throws a spanner in the works.

.. and Dr. Simon Goddek forwarded some extra reasons a private Telegram user shared:

Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) was set up in 1990 in the USA to record reactions to vaccines.

Reports to it are made on a voluntary basis and have been estimated to account for only 1% of real-world vaccine-induced injuries ( see the Lazarus Report). However, exploring VAERS data can be tedious as it involves constructing your own inquiries to the database.

Wonderfully, the OpenVAERS project does all that for you and presents the main data, in broad strokes in an easily read format (more advanced searches can be done at medalerts.org or vaers.hhs.gov).

One of those broad strokes is truly staggering. There have been more deaths reported thus far in 2021 than for all previous years combined!

If the 17,000+ deaths published by October 15th represent just 1% of all the Covid vaccine related deaths in 2021… then the actual number could be in the region of 1.7million!

If this is what “safe and effective” vaccines can do is it any wonder people are ‘vaccine hesitant’?

Zuby is puzzled

So am I.

Why are so many ‘vaccinated’ people afraid of ‘unvaccinated’ people?

Do they not believe the shots work?

If so, why did they take it and why do they want everyone else to take it?

I’m still trying to understand this peculiar phenomenon.

If they wanted to send the right message, they’d just live normally and without fear.

But everybody who is still living in fear of the rona has been fully jabbed at this stage.

It’s very strange.

Zuby (on Twitter)

I agree. It’s very strange.


Maybe they don’t believe natural immunity can be acquired? Maybe they don’t believe there are effective treatments?

Ok. Let’s grant them those two inaccurate beliefs (natural immunity can be acquired; there are effective treatments) and start from the assumption that they genuinely believe ‘vaccines’ are the only option they have.

Then yes. Sure. In that context the realisation that the vaccine does not provide protection after all is going to be very scary. Not only that, but there are variants evolving to dodge vaccine-induced immune responses (as predicted by Geert Vanden Bossche, Luc Montagnier and others).

With all your eggs in the ‘vaccine’ basket then the world might seem very scary right now.

But even still the vaccine is supposed to reduce the severity of symptoms and the chances of dying. Wouldn’t that provide some comfort, some reassurance?

Then there’s boosters coming. More comfort and reassurance surely?

Add to those positives the excellent chances of surviving an infection regardless of vaccination or not.1Similar to the flu. Some pointers here if that’s news to you.

So I honestly do struggle to understand why the ‘vaccinated’ are not only less confident than the ‘unvaccinated’ but actually seem to fear them.

  • 1
    Similar to the flu. Some pointers here if that’s news to you.

Jerm has a simple question

If you’ve been jabbed, then why do you believe you’re better off than me (who isn’t jabbed)?

Let me put it another way.

Since I refuse to be injected with a mysterious mRNA cocktail that has no long-term safety trials, the chances of me experiencing negative side effects from it are zero.


However, the chances of you experiencing negative side effects from it, are over 900 times higher […]

In fact, no vaccine rollout, in history, has been this deadly.

Jerm Warfare, 30 September 2021

View on JermWarfare.com

Against Therapeutic Nihilism

This is perhaps the most important medical presentation I’ve ever seen.

Dr Peter McCullough is the most courageous & smart physician involved in fighting for recognition that covid19 is treatable using rational, sequential, multi-drug treatment.

Also, using PUBLIC DATA ALONE, showing that the gene-based vaccines are neither safe nor effective.

Finally, and he gives just five minutes to this at the end. He’s very clear that this is a planned event & is much more than only a viral pandemic. He rightly alludes to the global, lockstep nature of the coercion going on almost everywhere in parallel.

Dr McCullough calls upon doctors everywhere to stand up and join the fight to hold & express medical opinions, to uphold their Hippocratic Oath & to TREAT patients with covid19, not demonise them.

Please let this play in the background if you don’t have an hour. But please do not pass on this. The presentation contains all the evidence that’s needed that the vaccines are not the way forward but that rational, sequential, multi drug treatment is.

Best wishes

Mike Yeadon (on Telegram)

Dr. McCullough’s slides.

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) Guide to Home Treatment.

Other talks from the 78th Annual Meeting of the AAPS are available through links on this page.