In The Midst Of Darkness, Light Prevails

Gold Standard Covid Science in Practice: An Interdisciplinary Symposium V

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The Covid Operation As A Battle Of Ideologies

[Figures given in the image above refer to South Africa only. Globally “Years of Lost Life” (YLL) due to lockdowns will likely be counted in billions]

Nick Hudson delivers many insights in this interview.

Here are some of them.

  • No country produced a cost-benefit analysis of lockdowns.
  • The propagandizing of science is obvious, intended to drive fear and is creating a dangerous mass psychosis.
  • Is this a conspiracy? No. The planning is going on in the open.
  • Those using the pandemic to increase the centralization of power probably genuinely believe “their own B.S.”
  • Centralism has always failed.
  • Humans innovate and learn to do more with less all the time. Unless Centralists and Malthusians have their way.
  • Asymptomatic transmission has little science backing it – but even if does happen, it is more likely to transmit immunity than disease.
  • The dissenting minority will grow and become a majority over time.
  • God-shaped holes in each of us can leave us susceptible to unworthy leaders and cultish behaviors when we are scared.
  • The intellectual foundations of mass vaccination and vaccine passports are tenuous.
  • Censorship is happening in covert, overt and aggressive forms. Even scientists are being censored for merely retweeting (without comment!) per-reviewed scientific papers!
  • A keen “wildlife guy”concerned about habitat destruction, he still sees the climate change / sustainability agenda is another Malthusian idea being pushed by Centralists.
  • Being calm and courageous is important for retrieving people one-by-one from the mass psychosis. We need to avoid talk of retribution and instead model moral power and humane behaviour.

Is it a cock up, a conspiracy or an emergent reality? … Yes it is. It’s all three of those things. There are features of our society that lend themselves…


… a bunch of elites enamored of power, as elites have always been… have stumbled across a wonderful way to drive fear into the hearts of people, to divide the populous and under cover of all of that to implement a wide-sweeping vision for our future that we have not consented to.

Nick Hudson

Talking with Taylor Hudak1independent journalist, publishing in The Last American Vagabond earlier this month Nick Hudson, Co-Founder & Chairman of PANDA2Pandemics ~ Data & Analytics discusses COVID-19 from a statistical perspective, as well as the ongoing ideological battle that COVID-19 has clearly exacerbated.

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