(Some of) the V-safe data is out

Over 10,000,000 people submitted health reports to the app after their Covid-19 vaccination.1From which the CDC only recently released some of the data when forced by court order (after “463 days and two law suits“).

From those 10million users:

  • 33% reported at least one adverse event
  • 25% needed time off work or school
  • 7.7% needed medical care
The ICAN V-safe dashboard, page 1

BUT… they were only shown…

… a measly 18 adverse events… as opposed to the over 25,000 MedDRA PT codes (25,592 to be precise) used in the VAERS context of which over 14,000 have been reported in the context of the COVID-19 injections… And just to be a bit facetious, as per Pfizer’s own list of adverse events of special interest that lists 1291 adverse events, this leaves 1,273 adverse event types unavailable for use.

Jessica Rose

… and…

The information captured in free-form fields has not yet been produced and ICAN is still litigating to obtain that information.

Informed Consent Action Network

So… v-safe has more to tell us.

As will today’s October 6th Highwire episode. Livestream or replay on Rumble.2Promo on Rumble.

ICAN | Mark Sharman3Former Sky News executive, Director of Safe & Effective: A Second Opinion | Dr. Jessica Rose

Safe And Effective: A Second Opinion – on The Highwire

Last Thursday Del Bigtree spoke with double-jabbed vaccine advocate Dr. Aseem Malhotra (5:00-45:00) about his realising the harms of the Covid injections and involvement in the documentary.

Then, after The Jaxen Report, he featured the former Sky News executive who directed the documentary – Mark Sharman (from 1:27:54), before playing the movie itself (from 1:41:15).

Skip to the part that interests you Or choose from a segment on the the episode’s page.

Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion

… shines a light on Covid-19 vaccine injuries and bereavements, but also takes an encompassing look at the systemic failings that appear to have enabled them. We look at leading analysis of pharmaceutical trials, the role of the MHRA in regulating these products, the role of the SAGE behavioural scientists in influencing policy and the role of the media and Big Tech companies in suppressing free and open debate on the subject.

Oracle Films

UKCVfamily.org | VIBUK | React19.org

OracleFilms.com | News Uncut

Challenging the Covid-19 Narrative

In this interview with Brian Gerrish, former ITV and BSkyB Executive Mark Sharman challenges the official Covid-19 narrative, including flawed statistics, high-level media censorship, government financial ‘bribes’ of the media, lost trust in doctors, vilification of those warning of vaccine damage, and the very real harm suffered by individuals who accepted the government promoted vaccines.

… includes an excerpt [at 35:00] from the powerful and emotional documentary by Oracle FilmsSafe and Effective: A Second Opinion, which shows the heartbreaking reality of vaccine damage to a young woman, Georgia Segal. Her courage in dealing with her post-vaccine harm, and in speaking out so that others can understand the real truth about vaccine side effects, is outstanding.


Toward the end the BBC’s “Unvaccinated” was mentioned. More about that here.