Young Hearts 22

Excess mortality skyrocketing – mainstream media silent

Excess mortality numbers are increasing at an astounding rate. Young people are dying of ‘unexplained’ illnesses. At any other time in history (and if the MSM wasn’t part of the charade), alarm bells would have gone off loudly and frantically. The mainstream media would have had showcased ‘excess mortality’ as their prime-time topic every day for the last 12 months and had countless experts weighing in on the possible causes. Journalists would have been on the front line of investigations. Yet there is not just no mention of what could be causing the excess deaths. There is no mention of excess deaths AT ALL.


Young Hearts 18

Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) – healthy young people dying suddenly.

There are many powerful institutions and stake holders with a huge interest in us not knowing what the side effects of covid vaccines are. They also rely on the jabbed not wanting to face reality. The mental anguish is too much for many of them to face.


That’s why empathy and compassion are key. With them we can help people through the cognitive dissonance and the shock and grief that will come once they are conscious of what is happening.

Young Hearts 16

Mainstream Media report 769 athletes collapse over the past year

But remember, the vax is SAFE and effective… always. No matter how much anecdotal evidence like this accumulates.

Extremely fit athletes, young people and children collapsing is just the new normal. Apparently.

Despite the damaging and completely failed injections against Covid, a lot of mandates still remain and the death program pushes ahead
