Declining birth rates

Another post-jab, world-wide coincidence?1It’s probably climate change of course.

More data would confirm, but things look ominous in:

Sweden is also a very interesting case because this country was never locked down… If you could possibly place blame on “lockdowns” for other countries, Sweden proves that lockdowns are NOT the cause — since it never locked down its citizens.

Mind you, 9 months ago, less than half of young Swedes were vaccinated. None yet received vaccine boosters.

What will happen to Sweden’s birth rate months from now, with the childbearing age people getting more vaccines and more boosters 9 months prior? Young people ended up being 80% vaccinated in Sweden and many were later boosted. I, naturally, hope that this disturbing trend will somehow disappear, but I fear that it will worsen.

Igor Chudov

  • 1
    It’s probably climate change of course.

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