Two high school students just died of aneurysms…

… and many more young people are getting them and dying recently – well known COVID-19 mRNA vaccine injury

Dr. William Makis highlights a few cases – and writes:

An aneurysm is an abnormal swelling or bulge in the wall of a blood vessel, such as an artery. It begins as a weak spot in the blood vessel wall, which balloons out of shape over time by the force of the pumping blood…

Aneurysms can be potentially fatal if they rupture. Death can occur within minutes...

The COVID-19 vaccine spike protein, when expressed in blood vessel walls, causes inflammation which damages the wall, leading to the formation of an aneurysm.

There are many cases of ruptured aneurysm following Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccination in the US VAERS database, some of them fatal (click here)

One Japanese study looked at 3 cases of brain aneurysms that developed after Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccination. All 3 were women. (click here)

Aneurysms are a very serious, and not-so-rare risk with COVID-19 mRNA vaccines that should be disclosed by doctors as part of the informed consent process.

Dr. William Makis

Morally Injured. Now training medical personnel in VAERS reporting

Moral injury is the social, psychological, and spiritual harm that arises from a betrayal of one’s core values, such as justice, fairness, and loyalty. Harming others, whether in military or civilian life; failing to protect others, through error or inaction; and failure to be protected by leaders, especially in combat—can all wound a person’s conscience, leading to lasting anger, guilt, and shame, and can fundamentally alter one’s world view and impair the ability to trust others.

Psychology Today

Today‘s guest has not let her discoveries about medical institution abuses and harms hold her back. Rather, Ashley Grogg, RN,1Registered Nurse MSN2Masters of Science in Nursing has become a leading advocate for medical freedom and true health. Today, on ‘The People’s Testaments,’ she shares her story [with Stephanie Locricchio] as well as her perspective on injury reporting, stating, ‘VAERS is a huge failure’ but also providing insight into the way it can be used for good…

Children’s Health Defense

P.S. Did you know there’s FREE, Harvard-designed software that could semi-automate the reporting of adverse events to VAERS…

… thereby saving everyone time while improving reporting rates, consistency and accuracy?

Me neither. Until today.

It is one topic being covered on the VAERS Aware course she’s running Jan-Feb this year.3Through | | Rumble

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    Registered Nurse
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    Masters of Science in Nursing
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