Clear. Effective. Ignored. Unknown.

Jonathan Jay Couey continues to expose the ‘meddlers – those misleading us about biology, their intentions and the best way forward. Misdirection and time-wasting seem to be favoured strategies. As is ‘stepping-in-front-of’ …
… which is probably why I’d never heard of Brandy Vaughan. Until Couey pulled back the curtain on Feb 11.
My world view had to be updated. Painfully. Yet again. Largely because one question loomed…
Why haven’t health-freedom, or anti-vax people and organisations, been highlighting and building on all this vibrant woman achieved – in just 6 years – before her untimely death in December 2020?
(video set to start as Couey finishes reviewing some recent evidence of lies and deception, before introducing Vaughan)
Vaughan’s 6-years in context
Here’s Mark Kulacz comparing of RFK’s progress on vaccination with the history of the iPhone. And Brandy Vaughan’s.
More on Brandy Vaughan