“Nothing was spreading”

Professor Denis Rancourt on deaths in Ireland

“… graph on all-cause mortality in Ireland from 2018 to present day which shows the first major spike around April 2020. Rancourt puts these deaths down to official assaults on vulnerable people, like ventilators and end-of -life protocols at a time of visitor restrictions at hospitals and nursing homes.

“The proof that it cannot be due to a virus is the following. Everywhere that it occurs around the world, it is synchronous, it happens at the same time immediately after the pandemic is announced. So the virus is waiting for a political announcement that there is a pandemic and then it’s going out and killing people right away”.

Aisling O’Loughlin

Aisling O’Loughlin: Rumble, Substack | DenisRancourt.ca | Correlation-Canada.org