Why Have We Doctors Been Silent?

There are uncomfortable truths in this November 2021 piece by a UK doctor.

Not just uncomfortable for doctors though.

Because her insights and truths could also apply to nearly any professional.

Teachers, drivers, police, politicians, nurses, shop staff, journalists, athletes, air crew… whatever… insert your profession where she writes “doctor”, “medical community” etc.

One can see the path: we were good, compliant children and then good, compliant students. Now we are good, compliant doctors. I’m beginning to understand that goodness is measured in a different way, and obedience is not a virtue.

Obedience is learned through fear, threat and intimidation; it is in fact trauma programming and achieved through small control gestures when we were young and helpless. Now we are adults but still operating under these childhood programmes of beliefs and fears. We still feel helpless and beholden to a higher authority. We still submit to an authoritative decree even when it overrides our inherent moral compass.

Lucie Wilk

More on the dangers of obedience here.

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