Brandy Vaughan’s (misnamed) “last interview”

If it is true that she had been unwell prior to her death on December 7th 2020, then it would seem plausible that Brandy Vaughan might indeed have given no more interviews after September 2020. So, if one took the publication date of the original at face value (20th Sept 2020), calling this her last interview is understandable.

However, this interview was recorded approximately nine months earlier on, or around December 5th 2019. We know this because Brandy Vaughan herself live-streamed some of it on Facebook.

But, before you watch…

As outlined above it seems plausible that someone could genuinely mistake this as Brandy’s last interview. However, much harder to rationalise is Sheilah Mitchell’s introduction not explaining why:

  • an interview recorded three months prior to the WHO declaration, was important in the context of the COVID pandemic and
  • if it was so important, its publication was delayed until September 2020.

I would also like to highlight that this is yet another video describing Brandy as a whistleblower. To my knowledge she never described herself as such. Instead she merely said (paraphrasing) “I used to sell Vioxx/work for Merck and left before Vioxx was recalled” – not that she blew the whistle on them.

Brandy’s livestream

Full interview

Maybe this is the real ‘last’ interview?