Forced Physician Conformity – Round Table with Dr. Brian Tyson and Dr. Mary Talley Bowden

You learn about another person’s integrity the moment you see them put in a position to stand up to their peers. Drs. Brian Tyson and Mary Talley Bowden have shown what they are made of, despite threats to their medical licenses and careers. Disturbingly, medical boards want to stop them from practicing medicine for the crime of treating patients with antiviral and antibiotic medication, vitamins, and whatever else they as diagnosticians felt could help their patients. Between the pair, they and their staff have treated on the order of 20,000 patients with none dying if treated early, and a single-digit number passing otherwise.

Mathew Crawford

Also, while keen to receive the doctors data on their thousands of COVID-diagnosed patients, medical boards do not want their data on how deaths were prevented.

Odd, no?

Watch on Rumble.

The case of Dr. Meryl Nass is mentioned. She is posting about it on her Substack.1Here’s a radio interview she gave Oct 27th