“I hope I am wrong. I fear I am right.”

The words of one of the early developers of mRNA vaccines, Robert Malone after digesting a report from a life insurance company.

A seasoned stock analyst colleague texted me a link today, and when I clicked it open, I could hardly believe what I was reading.  What a headline.  “Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64”.  This headline is a nuclear truth bomb masquerading as an insurance agent’s dry manila envelope full of actuarial tables.

Robert W Malone

Is this a sign of the massive vaccine-induced death toll some have been predicting?

Read Malone’s concerns here.1If you are outside the USA you may not be able to read the article he links to. .

Jessica Rose goes into more detail about the numbers here.

Steve Kirsch is aware of the news but is WAY less cautious in his interpretation than Malone – and has a plan.

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    If you are outside the USA you may not be able to read the article he links to.