180 Degrees – Unlearn the Lies You’ve Been Taught

Feargus O’Connor Greenwood is the author of… possibly the best ‘conspiracy theory’ book ever written… if everyone owned, read and digested this extraordinary book all the world’s problems would be solved in a trice.

James Delingpole

What we’re up against

Apologies. Tables don’t work well in this theme. But here’s what he outlines.

TypeDescriptionControlled byLacksMotivated byMay flip if
Ringleaderspushing the agenda & narrativeblackmail, illusion they’re in the inner circlehumanity & empathypower & controlwe obtain the  blackmail material
Striverswant to come out on topIncentives & threatsmoralitymoney & social statusshown they’ll be thrown under the bus
Normiesmystified, confusedpropagandainformationstatus quoshown the truth (see below)
Doubterssceptical, but keeping heads downdemonisation of those putting heads above parapetcouragefear of consequencesshown lots of things are worse than death
Rebelsbullshit detectorscensorship, cancellation, eliminationfeartruth & ethics(don’t need flipping!)

The 5 Hurdles

  • We define first, and then see.
  • Some people will be unreachable
  • The backfire effect
  • People will forgive you for being wrong, but not often for being right.
  • Strong subconscious social need in people to avoid being seen as getting something wrong.

The 10 Solutions

  1. Be kind first. Be right later.
  2. You win by not winning.
  3. Seed to succeed.
  4. Allow absorption and processing time.
  5. Let the vitriol wash over you.
  6. Talk to the elephant first.
  7. Keep the conversation going.
  8. Questions, not statements.
  9. People slide (they don’t jump) from A to Z..
  10. Facts don’t change minds, friends do.